I am posting something that is concerning to me. Not too long ago, I posted a message about the FDA raiding a health food store (they were armed, as well) and confiscating all of the Morningland cheese that was made from raw milk, then taking it to be tested, claiming that they believed that the cheese was possibly containing bad bacteria. The cheese was taken out of all the stores that carried the product and the farm that produced the cheese has been shut down, if I understand correctly.
The cheese was tested and the results were fine. But the farm is not reopened yet, to my knowledge. The FDA shut it down and has not allowed it to be opened up again.
Morningland Dairy Shut Down
This is definitely something to pray about. This is not the only case where the FDA steps in and shuts things down. Farmers are going to jail, simply because they sell raw milk to the public. Farmers are going to jail because the soy plants they have growing happen to have been affected by the GMO soy plants produced by Monsanto, which are patented. We need to pray for our farmers.
But this last item I want to bring up doesn't have to do with farming or food. It has to do with a bizarre story that involves the Secret Service and a gospel tract called, the 'Million Dollar Bill' tract.
People love this tract, and it is put out by a company called, 'Living Waters' based in California. It has a simple Gospel message on it and is eye catching. Not everyone uses this tract, and it is a matter of preference for those doing evangelism as to whether they will use this tract or some other one. But it is definitely an eye-catcher and a good ice-breaker as well.
The Million Dollar Bill tract is perfectly legal to use, simply because there is no such thing as a million dollar bill. I have seen tracts that look like $20, but those, if they are the same size as a regular dollar bill, could possibly be illegal to use, because they would resemble a genuine $20 bill. But the million dollar bills are safe, or should be safe, because there is no such thing as a million dollar bill.
Around six years ago, supposedly someone gave a teller one of the Million Dollar Bill tracts in North Carolina, and the teller called in the authorities concerning the tract. OK, this is where something really strange is happening. Why in the world didn't the teller confront the person who was trying to cash in the Million Dollar Bill tract first? I am sure that people have tried to cash this tract in for money, but you have to be a pretty naive teller to know that there is really no such thing as a million dollar bill in the first place. In the second place, a short glance at the tract makes it obvious that it is not real money. It says on the front that it is not 'legal tender' and has some of the commandments written on it. Something bogus is going on here.
Well, the Secret Service found a Texas address for the Great News Network, an organization which trains people to do evangelism, on the tract, and made a trip out there. But, there were many things wrong about this. They came in without a search warrant. They stole over 8,000 of the tracts. When the Secret Service found out that the tracts were originally from Living Waters, they threatened to go out there and shut the place down.
Over a long period of time, many court sessions took place. You see, the Secret Service was the group that was at fault. They should have been arrested. I think there were eight court hearings on this, and finally the Great News Network won its case.
Here is the gist of my concern: These cases are totally bogus. They are made up and carried out by people (in authority positions) who are angry and want to stop certain thing from continuing (like the production of Gospel tracts or raw milk). This is why we need to pray for those in authority. We need to become knowledgable about the issues. We have key people working out of our government to promote agendas that we will not find desirable. So far, we have seen a couple of cases where it is obvious that key people are beginning to abuse their authority and use it for their own ends. This is why we need to pray for the church and for the country. We also need to get involved in those areas where God has called us to. It might be farming. It might be producing tracts. It is probably something else though.
This is the call to die to ourselves. Their is a greater cause than our own leisures and comforts. We are in a battle, and if we are not properly clad and armored, we will become casualties.
I am not going to write and complain about people in government who are abusing their authorities, but I am going to encourage us to pray, and not give up. America needs a healthy church and we make up the body of Christ (if we have trusted in Christ) and need to function as a body of related believers.
I also believe that if we were a healthy body of related believers, and if we are truly affected by the Gospel, we would be doing the work of evangelism. We need Godly people in government. We need Godly schoolteachers. We need Godly businessmen and women. We need Godly judges in our court systems. Let's pray for God to raise them up. Let's pray for the health of the church.
Aquilla Report on Secret Service Raid
Living Waters Celebrates Victory