Boundaries are an interesting things. We think of boundaries as a type of restriction, and more specifically, in America, we think of boundaries as something that is there to take our fun away. We think freedom comes from being able to do whatever we want to do. But did you know that your 'freedom' could be violating someone else's freedom?
Before I go further, I want to clarify the fact that I don't believe every Muslim is a Radical Muslim. I also don't believe that every person struggling with homosexuality or same-sex attraction has an LGBT agenda, so what I write here is not to attack peace-loving Muslims or homosexuals who are struggling with being Gay, but don't seem to have an alternative. I am referring to those who have a political agenda, with the intention of taking away the rights of others.
Boundaries are part of our lives. But there are some people who have had their boundaries taken away during their childhood. Many are rape victims who were instructed to never tell anyone what happened to them or who did it to them, and they also carry the guilt of the perpetrator. But these people would like to have boundaries around them too, if they could.
There was a study done where school children were observed at recess time. There was no fence around the school yard, and the children did not venture too far into the school yard. They stayed close to the building, if they went out at all. Then one day, a fence was put up around the school building. When the children went out for recess after the fence was put up, they ventured out into the school yard and felt safe wherever they were, as long as they were inside the fenced area.
There is a lie inside of all of us that says that we are missing it if we stay inside the boundaries. In the spiritual realm, God has placed boundaries around us. They are listed in His word. We are not to go outside of those boundaries or we will be in an unsafe area, spiritually speaking, and perhaps even physically.
When we go outside of those boundaries, it is called, 'trespassing'. We are stepping over the boundary lines and God considers it sin. That is the exact reason Jesus had to die for us. We continually step outside of God's boundaries for us. We will continue to do so until we are born again, when we come to Christ in repentance and faith. Then we will become a new creature in Christ and will have the power of God to stay within the boundaries that God has placed around us.
In our life on earth, we step over the boundaries of other people. Our belief systems include violating other people's rights. Society tells us we can do whatever we want to do unless we harm someone. The problem is, we do our own thing, and we do hurt others but we don't care. We don't love other people, because we love ourselves too much.
Take for example, a woman who leaves her husband and goes off with someone else. She has broken her marriage vows, rejected her husband, and committed adultery. Yet, many will say, who are in this situation, "I'm not hurting anyone."Whether you want to believe it or not, this woman is hurting many people. Her 'rights' to herself say that she can do whatever she wants to. But that is not what the Bible says. Her rights have violated someone else's rights (or more probably, several people's rights).
When it comes to boundaries, today, people invade other people's boundaries. We want to protect ourselves and what we have, but, we violate other people's boundaries in order to get what we want. Plus, if a person does not have boundaries, they will invade the boundaries of other people because they don't understand how to set boundaries, and where the boundaries of other people are set.
So, now we get to Islam, and LGBT. Let's say that America is a free country where you can have the faith of any religion that you want to believe in. Well, according to Islam, they are directed to kill those who do not submit to Islam. So, if Islam has the 'right' to be part of American society, then part of their 'right' is to kill those who do not join them (or tax them with a high fine).
The LGBT wants to rule America too. It is unclear at this point, but from the way they look, the LGBT is really a religion, only it is a religion that is dedicated to destroy Biblical Christianity. We do, at present live in a free society, where we can believe whatever faith we want to believe. But what the LGBT wants is for those who are of the traditional, Biblical Christian faith to say it is ok for homosexuals to practice homosexuality, and they would hinder those who would teach what the Bible says about homosexuality. What I don't understand yet is the reason why they just don't start their own churches, where the god they believe in allows homosexuals to marry. Why do they have to infringe upon the rights of those who want to believe what the Bible teaches about same-sex relationships and try to pass laws condemning people from teaching the Bible when it comes to homosexuality?
Both Islam and the LGBT have crossed the boundaries of those who disagree with them. Their 'rights' to practice their religion is harmful to those who hold a differing viewpoint. They are invading the boundaries of others, and taking away the rights of other people. Both have a political agenda and both want power and control.
God is bigger than the LGBT and Islam put together. Islam will bow before Jesus, as will those who embrace homosexuality, at the expense of others.
If our nation continues on this track, what will happen? Will the country be run by homosexuals or by Muslims? It won't be both for, Islam does not allow for homosexuality. If, in the end, there are only homosexuals and Muslims, only one will remain. Which one will it be?
Of course, the church can be shining bright during this time, and can be the beacon for truth in a dark, lost world. If we believe that God has stopped working since the last Apostle died, then we will have a weak church. But if we believe that the God of the Bible is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then we will see that during this time period of the church age, the same God who brought Moses and the Israelites across the Red Sea is the same God we serve today. If we believe that the same God who raised Jesus from the dead, is the same God who lives in us, then we can know that this God is the Great Almighty God who dwells within us and is preparing His Bride (the church) for the return of Christ. We can be empowered to serve this God. Don't listen to the lies of the Enemy who belittles God's power by saying He doesn't work in the same way as He did in Bible times. Think about it. All throughout the Bible, God was all powerful and did signs and wonders. All throughout eternity God will do powerful works. Why is it that during the church age, God isn't showing Himself powerful? Could it be unbelief on our part? God wants to do exploits in the lives of those who are His. Let us not limit Him in what He wants to do in our midsts, especially during this dark time in God's story of the world.