As I look at social media today, my eyes have been open to many, many things that I never saw before.
I have always heard things about politics, politicians, etc. but this goes much deeper than that. We have philosophies tied in with how we look at the situations and decisions facing us today. And many of us have fallen prey to concepts we would have never have thought of ourselves in.
Let me get my thoughts straight first, before I continue to write. Maybe I need a couple of drops of Rosemary oil to help me think more clearly first.
(Takes a Rosemary oil application break).
All my thoughts are trying to mix together in one pot, and if that is successful, this blog will not make much sense!
Thought #1: I am concerned about the future of our country, for obvious reasons. Well, they might not be obvious to all, but to most of my friends and family, we know what is at stake. We have a woman who is running for president who appears to be potentially dangerous for our country. This is more serious than having a person elected who just isn't very wise. We have a woman who used her personal email accounts exposing top secret information that could be read by those who hate America and will do anything to destroy us. When she was asked if she did this, she said that she did not. When the questioning came concerning her actions, they determined that she did indeed send out those emails. If this were the only issue that concerned this presidential candidate, that would be enough for an average, intelligent person to realize that voting for Hillary Clinton as president could definitely mean that the future of our country will be endangered. We also know that she is open to allowing the borders of our country to be open to illegal immigrants. This is another potential danger. Even when those illegal immigrants commit crimes in our country, the left does not see this as a problem.
Another serious concern with this candidate is her 'full support', and I am using her words, of Planned Parenthood. She said in one of her talks, that Planned Parenthood has her full support, then she went on praising the works of Planned Parenthood.
Thought #2: I am concerned about the philosophy of people who say that we are indeed selecting a shepherd for our country when we are voting for the presidential candidate of our choice. This statement is a rebuttal to those who say that we are voting for a president, not a pastor. I actually read an article about this rebuttal and the person who wrote the article does believe that the president is definitely 'shepherding' people in America. He or she said that the president is the shepherd of the people in this country. That is like saying that the president should be a pastor, for another term for pastor is 'shepherd'. I don't know about you, but I don't want my president to be my pastor. It seems like there was a group of people who lived around the early to mid 1600s, who left their country because their king also ran the church. That is the reason why this country was started in the first place. A pastor is called by God to lead the church. He must meet certain qualifications. A president is to lead a country in safety and peace. He is to make good decisions concerning the issues that have to do with our country and how this nation should be run, and how we should interact with other nations. A president is not all powerful. Higher credentials are required for a pastor than they are for a president (not that the president shouldn't have good credentials).
Thought #3: The media is good at twisting stories around and making people look in a way that they want to project him or her to look. No presidential candidate is going to be freed from being slandered. It is one thing when a person who is in the spotlight does something wrong. It is another thing when they are accused of being a certain way or having certain undesirable traits. We have to take this whole thing into account. The media is not pro-conservative. They will slant their stories to make them look like what they want to look. They will take clips from here and there and make up a case against whoever they want, then publish it. The really sad fact is that many professing Christians have bought into the lies of the media.
I remember when the last election was going on. I could not believe what I saw as people posted things. I am talking about professing Christians posting things like, 'Romney is a Satanic High Priest' or, "Romney has a secret agenda to convert all America to Mormonism". So, multitudes of professing believers were never, in their lifetimes, going to vote for Romney. And we see what happened. By not voting for Romney, we got someone who is so much worse than Romney would have been. Who were these professing Christians listening to? The media?
Thought #4: I see a kind of peer pressure among Christians in the social circles. I have to admit, that in writing this article, I know I risk losing Facebook friends or Twitter followers and I don't like that thought. I see quite a few people though, who are hinting at how they are going to vote, but being hesitant on actually coming right out and saying who they are voting for. They know that if they do, their other Facebook friends and even family members might not like them anymore. For some reason, those in the body of Christ haven't learned how to disagree in love. They regard those who disagree with them as those who need to be chastised for their disagreeing.
Thought #5: There is a common belief that 'voting for the lesser of the 2 evils' is wrong, simply because it is still evil. This whole concept would be too long for this article to iron out. What I would like to say though is that there are different types of evil. There is the perverse type of evil, which exchanges right for wrong, light for darkness, truth for error, etc. Good is thought of as bad, and evil is thought of as good. We have a presidential candidate who is like this. We all know who she is. If we are on the far left side of the spectrum, we will see things the same way as she does. We will choose evil over good, and darkness over light. The other candidate is evil, not because he is perverse, but because he is a sinful human being, like the rest of us. The difference between these two candidates is not so much whether they are evil or not, or who is more or less evil, but what kind of evil is it? Is it a perverse evil like Hillary Clinton promotes, or is it a selfish evil, like Donald Trump lives out?
Think about it for a minute. What were our country's forefathers like? We know a couple of things from History that we learned about them. They were God-fearing. But did you know that many of them were not, in reality, Godly people? For example, if Thomas Jefferson were running for president today, and people knew what he stood for in his personal life, most professing Christians would not be voting for him. Sometimes, I think that Jefferson was a double minded person. On the one hand, he seemed to have a high regard for God, and for Jesus in particular. But, at the same time, he struggled big time with the thought of the deity of Christ. I haven't read this yet, but Thomas Jefferson actually has his own rewritten copy of the New Testament. If you go to his museum, you will find a copy of his Bible (I'm not talking here about his rewritten one). It is full of holes. He took a pen knife and cut out all the verses pertaining to hell. Yet, this man really did seem to be a God-fearing man who made some valuable decisions concerning the health of our country.
I have seen some things concerning the lives of our forefathers in America. Many of them were truly God-fearing. But, they weren't necessarily born again believers in Jesus Christ. God raised them up to do what they did, and a free nation was created. But we would be appalled to know what went on in their real lives at home. And many of us would not vote for them today, if they were running for president.
If we have a perverted president running our country, anything is game. We could lose our Constitution. We could lose our freedoms. If we have a president who lacks some good character qualities, but can make some good decisions (or at least intends to), this could actually pave the way for righteousness to be restored to the White House. Thousands upon thousands of babies will be killed under the Clinton administration. If Trump is elected as president, this move will be halted as he intends to move in the opposite direction.
Thought #6: Voting for a write in is counter productive. While I admire the concern and vigilance of many of my friends for raising up a Christian presidential candidate at the last minute, I'm afraid it's going to be too late for anything good to come of this, at least in this election. Even if 100% of all my friends write in this same name when they vote, this person will not be elected. There are only 2 candidates and only one of those two will win the election this time. It really is not our vote so much that counts (although, our vote ultimately does count). It is all dependent upon the electoral votes. That is how the final outcome will be determined.
What my friends should do though is this; they should have been doing this 4 years ago, or more. They should be raising up this candidate and getting him ready for the next election. That way, perhaps he could get on the ballot. This would take a lot of money (and I mean tons of money) and a lot of time. If the dedication is that strong though, perhaps it could happen. It is too late for it to happen this election, but maybe there is hope for this presidential candidate to make it in the next election.
So those are my thoughts. Please do not be offended by them. Mainly, we need to be praying for our country. We need to be doing evangelism, and we need to become everything God wants us to be so that we can represent Him well in a dark and dying world, with many people who have no compass and will spent an endless eternity of torture.