Are you surprised that there was a bombing today in Boston? Should we be surprised or should we be angry? What are we to think of this nonsense and tragedy?
We used to live in a country where people understood what freedom was and stood up and fought for our freedoms. We were a nation of people who believed, 'In God We Trust'. Talking about God or at least His creation was common place. People turned to prayer when difficulties came. There was an understanding of a Supreme Being Who was in charge of everything. There seemed to be an awareness that one day we would stand before this Supreme Being and give account of our lives. What happened though? When and where did we let go of this thinking?
When I was in school (it must have been a really long time ago), we learned about different types of governments. We learned about what happened in the past, and what mistakes were made, and what tragedies resulted. We learned about Communism and Socialism. We learned about the tyrants of long ago. We learned about infiltration and propaganda. We were taught how to be vigilant against those who would try to get into our country and usurp our authority. But what happened?
I believe one of the first things that happened (although it may just be one of many things) was that apathy began to take root in our lives. This happened through several different means. Children born in the 60s and later learned to take the easy way out of life. They learned to avoid problems or get out of difficulties altogether. Disney came in. Television became a babysitter. Video games and technology became more appealing. We learned to go after things that were fun and easy, and we forgot how to do hard things. That is one of the things that happened.
Another thing that happened, and this works with an apathetic society, is that we not longer paid attention to things that were important. Things like abortion became legal, and when we should have been up in arms about it, we just dismissed it as if it were a phase that children go through and would pass. The 10 Commandments were removed from our public schools, and we really didn't care. We just assumed it would be taken care of by someone else if it really mattered. Laws came into effect that violated what the Scriptures instruct us to do. We didn't think twice. Now we can get arrested for disciplining our children with a spank. What's amazing is that child abuse is at an epidemic, yet spanking our children to discipline them is outlawed (or trying to be). Society can't even put 2 and 2 together. Now we are at a point when our leaders our trying to outlaw guns. I do see a lot of people, thank God, that are disturbed about this. What is wrong with taking away our guns? In order for that to happen, the Constitution of the United States would have to be tampered with. Because so many of us were put to sleep, educationally speaking, we are not really even going to understand what the big deal is. But it is a big deal. We have to go back to the basics of what our country stood on in its beginning, and what men fought for, a couple of hundred years ago.
Our country was founded upon the principles of God's word. The men who wrote and signed the Constitution of the United States, and the Declaration of Independence, were God fearing men, and wrote laws that corresponded with their belief system. What they wrote was to protect our country from invaders who would come in and work in subtle ways to take our freedoms away. The biggest thing to these founders of America was the freedom we would have. It is rare for a country in our world to have freedom, at least the way we have it in America. In the minds of our forefathers, they would fight to keep this freedom. Freedom wasn't cheap but it was worth it to our founding fathers.
So what happened? Little by little, people got into our educational system and rewrote history books, science book, and a host of other subjects. People got into our government with the intention of ultimately changing it. You see, there are people out there that hate with a passion, the fact that America is a free country. They will do whatever it takes to destroy your freedom and mine, because they want us to be subject to them. Islam is a good example of this. Islam wants you to believe that it is a peaceful religion, when it is in reality, a violent religion. The word 'Islam' means submission. In Islam, every person on this earth is going to be forced to submit to Islam, or Islam will take action against that person. At this moment, Islam does not control America, but you better believe that there are those who have been appointed in governmental roles to 'serve our country' when in reality, they will try to implement Sharia law. This will not openly happen. It will happen through infiltration and propaganda. Make no mistake. Radical Islam hates you and me. They will not blink an eye at killing us unless we submit to them.
Then there are those, (and there always will be as long as we have a fallen earth) who believe that all our problems will be solved by Socialism, which leads to Communism. In the last century, we have seen the rise and fall of Communistic nations. It is amazing that people don't see how useless Communism is. Communism, like Islam, wants to take away your freedoms as well. The philosophy that pervades our society will help Communism to take root. The philosophy distracts people from reality and the ability to think for themselves, and ultimately will necessitate the government having to do the thinking for people. Our educational system doesn't teach people how to work through problems. It teaches us to be lazy and have fun. It wants us to live for pleasure. Our educational system teaches people about birth control and how to have sex, but, many of our graduates can't even read! I watched a video of Ray Comfort asking college students if they knew who Hitler was. I was amazed to see that some people had no idea who he was. What is the reason for this? I believe that our educational system knows that if we are aware of who Hitler was and what he did, we would be sure to avoid any kind of thinking that would lend itself to that kind of leadership and society. We wouldn't want Socialism. We would see how tyrants can destroy a nation. Our current leaders don't want us to know that. Many are in there to turn our government around for their benefit and our destruction. Whether it be Communism, Fascism, Islam, or any other type of tyrannical government form, our schools are not going to be teaching about these types of government. They want you and your children to be in the dark.
In short, all of this began happening, when we, as a society decided to forsake the idea of a sovereign God who will judge us on That Day. We got rid of that idea and thought we could do whatever we wanted. We didn't understand that we reap what we sow. We are no longer under God's protection or favor. We are in danger of falling prey to all the dangerous concepts out there, that could be implemented in our government. Our colleges laugh at the idea of a God who created the world. Our religion teachers laugh at the idea of the deity of Christ, or of a God who works miraculously or in a supernatural way. People are shaking their fists at God and thinking they have the upper hand. Do you really expect God to help us as a people? We have churches and ministers that are focusing on how you can have your best life now, instead of teaching people about God's holiness and man's waywardness. Many pastors are too soft on sin and allow things in the churches they pastor that should never be there, yet fail to teach and prepare their people for eternity. We have forgotten what the word 'discipleship' means. Only 2% of the church population actively does evangelism. 50% or more of professing Christian marriages end up in divorce. Many are involved in porn. People sleep together outside of a marriage relationship, and at the same time, many profess to be Christians. I am not saying we don't need help to change, but the problem is, that we don't really want to change. We love our porn. We enjoy slander and backbiting. We take the easy way out and murder our children if we don't want them. Workers in abortion clinics tell their patients before an abortion, that this is what Jesus wants them to do. They pray for the patient before she has an abortion. They argue with sidewalk counselors by telling them that 'God forgives them' for what they are doing. Where is the repentance? Where is the fear of God?
Before God instructed Noah to build the Ark, people on the earth were so wicked and vile. God would have forgiven them if they would have repented, but they didn't. They didn't believe God was going to punish them. They continued on with their wicked deeds. I don't think we appreciate why God destroyed them, but if we knew what they did, we would wonder why they were getting away with it. God did see and He was not pleased. Not one repented. The only ones spared were Noah, his wife, Noah's sons, and their wives. God gave the people several years to repent. They laughed. They thought the idea of a flood was a joke. They were doing horrible things to each other. One of the sins that God hated so much was the sin of child sacrifices. Parents would bring their little children to a horrible looking statue and would place the child in the arms of the statue, and then watch their child as it burned to death. The parents were so far from God that they didn't care. They enjoyed watching their child being tortured.
In Romans 1, we read about what happens when people turn away from God. These are not just the people who ignore God. They are the ones that reject God. They end up denying God's existence, even though they can see God's handiwork everywhere they go. They are trying to be God. They want to be the top dog. They want to call the shots. The Bible says that women will lose their natural affection. Men would have passions for other men. All kinds of weird things will happen to people because God will turn them over to their own wicked desires. That is what happened in Genesis 6, and that is what is happening today in America. We have a nation filled with people who have turned their backs on God, and God has turned them over to their wicked desires. This is not a pretty sight. This is what will bring about God's judgment.
It is hard to live in a society where people do not fear God. If the leader fears God, then there will be peace in the land. We have allowed, because of our apathy, men and women to get into office, who will try to usurp the authority in our nation. Our nation is being betrayed. Your freedoms are at stake. You may not know what all this means, but it will happen unless God intervenes. That is why we need to pray for our nation. We need to be praying for the church in America. We need to have God's mercy on us. We have been tricked by the Enemy of our souls, and we need to now be vigilant and be on guard. Only God can spare us and have mercy on us. Judgment begins with us, at the house of God. We need to repent and believe the Scriptures.
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