Saturday, October 26, 2013

Division Making Reveals the Condition of Our Hearts - When Identifying Heretics Becomes Idolatry

    I am always curious as to what the condition of the church in America is today. How healthy is the church? An unhealthy church will result in an unhealthy society. Could we be in an unhealthy state in this country from the church being unhealthy? I think there are some connections.
   If I were an unbeliever or someone who hasn't yet put my trust in Jesus Christ as my Savior from sin, I would not be impressed with the group of people who call themselves 'Christians'. I have to say that the Biblical description of what a Christian is, and what I see in the modern day church are way different. You probably are wondering what I am talking about. Let me explain.
  When Jesus spent the last three years of His life on earth training men in discipleship, one of the main things He taught on was the fruit of what a Christian looks like. He taught us to love one another. He said that the mark of those who are true believers would be their love for one another. He explained that the greatest way a person can show love for another is by laying his or her life down for another. That involves dying to ourselves and making others successful in God. It involves ministering and serving each other. It involves living for others instead of ourselves. It takes the power of God living in us to help us overcome sin and selfishness. Our love for God is revealed in the way we love one another. We are to treat each other with dignity and respect, even when we disagree.
   I'm not saying we shouldn't stand up for the truth when the truth is in danger. We need to. But I think what is wrong is that we hold on to the truth in such a way that we end up hating each other and wounding our brothers and sisters in Christ. Let me further explain.
   When I was a young believer in Christ, I started to see some ugly things in the body of Christ. Media was limited to TV, mail, or the radio. Because I was searching for every tract company I could find, somehow I got on some mailing list of a newspaper looking mail that would come to me on a regular basis. It was written by Fundamental, Independent, Separated Baptists, and it was full of viciousness toward those who did not hold their views. If you were not in their group, and if your name was well known as a pastor or Bible teacher, you were considered by them as a false teacher. I didn't see any kind of ministry or edification for the body of Christ in this newspaper thing.
   Fast forward to the last five years or so. I thought by now the body of Christ had figured out that hating people and causing divisions was not the way to go, but I was wrong. I have been on Facebook for at least 5 years by now, and I still see this trend there today. Not only is there a large emphasis on false teachers but, depending upon who you are and what you believe is theologically correct, you will find all kinds of false teachers and prophets that are being identified every day by some theologically correct Christian out there. It's coming to the point where everybody and their brother is a heretic. Some of the declarations of these heretics that makes them a heretic in someone's opinion is simply a difference in the way they interpret the Bible. Another is the maturity level of someone. For example, if a professing Christian is popular and well known, and if they use bad language at times, there are considered a heretic. Of course, the person shouldn't use bad language, but that doesn't make someone a heretic. Another one I saw tonight was as I recommended a book written by David Wilkerson, someone commented saying he was a heretic. One of the reasons she gave was because he gave prophetical words that didn't come to pass. This person who made this accusation doesn't understand the nature of the gift of prophecy in the New Testament and how it is different than the way the prophets used prophecy in the Old Testament. So that makes David Wilkerson a heretic. Because he used a gift in faith and either it wasn't used properly or it wasn't interpreted properly by the onlookers. Either way, that doesn't make a person a heretic. A heretic is one who has denied the faith. Paul addressed this but didn't spend a whole lot of time on it like Christians do today.
   Here is what I think the problem is; I think we are basically, what Paul calls 'Carnal Christians'. We as a body of believers in Jesus Christ have somewhat of a good knowledge of the Scriptures, but we haven't died to ourselves yet. Many times we are playing God. We pass judgments on people that we have no right to do. Here is the crux of it all; We still love ourselves. We are full of pride. We love to hate. We love to slander. We love to rip people apart. Let's face it, we are not representing Christ. We are betraying Him with our hate for one another. We have well known Bible teachers who are eliminating large groups of Christians by calling them false converts, just because they don't believe in the doctrines they believe in. We have today Calvinists who hate Arminians. We have Fundamentalists who hate Charismatics. We have Pelagians who hate Reformed believers. The list goes on.
    I like what Paul Washer said one time. He made mention of some Pentecostals and referred to them as brothers, then made the assertion that yes, they are brothers. I have heard someone else say something like this recently as well about those who were in another denomination. We really can disagree on non-essentials. I can still love people who believe that we can lose our salvation, or those who believe and hold to infant baptism. I have seen wonderful believers who believe that the way of baptism is pedobaptism. I don't agree with the doctrine at all, but for me to spend time arguing with these people and calling them names is totally unproductive. Plus, God's word tells us not to do that.
   I am so tired of seeing name calling on the Internet. No wonder people are hostile to listening to our message. The Gospel message is hard enough to listen to, but if people have experienced the wrath of these Christians who are so hateful to those they disagree with, no wonder they are repulsed by the word 'Gospel'. No one is going to see God when we are backbiting and resort to name calling. There is a book available with a title that asks a good question. It's called, 'Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded?' That's a good question because we do it all the time. What is wrong with us? Where is God's love in this? What kind of a battle do we think we are fighting anyway?

   The weapons of our warfare are not carnal! They are spiritual. We are not going to win any wars by name calling or manipulation. The devil is laughing at us because we are using the weapons he is giving us. They tie in with the pride in our hearts. Pride goes before destruction and God will resist us when we are prideful. Listen to what the Bible says:
  "Remind them to be submissive to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready for every good work, to speak evil of no one, to avoid quarreling, to be gentle, and to show perfect courtesy toward all people. For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom he poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by his grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life.The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. These things are excellent and profitable for people. But avoid foolish controversies, genealogies, dissensions, and quarrels about the law, for they are unprofitable and worthless. As for a person who stirs up division, after warning him once and then twice, have nothing more to do with him, knowing that such a person is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned." Titus 3: 1-10 ESV
   Do you see it? Salvation is so great. God is so powerful, merciful, and amazing. Why aren't we in awe of God, but rather in awe of the things that are wrong with others in the body of Christ? If we have truly experienced salvation, and we are ministering the Gospel to people, why is there so much hate for others in our hearts? And don't call it 'warning the flock' because that is not what it is. It is an excuse for reacting in the flesh, but doing it under the guise of 'serving God' and 'love'.
   I'm sorry if I come off irritated, but, in reality I am irritated. If I read another post on a Christian being called a heretic, I think I'm going to croak. Can't somebody stop this? The well known Bible teachers aren't much help either, for many of them seem to be leading the body of Christ into this. 
   Can we get back to the love of God for once? Can we stop picking on people who don't agree with us doctrinally? Can we carefully and skillfully expose those who really are false teachers and leave it be once that is done? Can we get back to the point where we can grow spiritually once again? Can the church ever be healthy again? Can we repent of our pride and superiority and our rejection of others? Can the church once again be the place of ministry that is was intended to be, or will it continue to be a place where it needs ministry?

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