Molech was a statue with a grin on its face. There was a fire inside and people would give their babies or small children to this statue, and the child would be burned up in a torturous way. I can't imagine whatever it was that this god promised the people if they gave up their children in such a horrible way. Whatever it was, they were captivated by it. Perhaps they didn't want their children because children interfered with whatever they wanted to do. I don't know, but many people did this to their children back then.
People do something similar today, in America. People bring their unborn babies to an abortion clinic to have the child sliced up so he or she will die. It would seem like anyone in their right mind would have no intention of ever going into an abortion clinic to have their babies murdered. Why would they do such a thing? Maybe generations down the road will be asking the same question.
Women have abortions because it is convenient. First of all, they are so bold as to think they have a right to have sex with whoever they want. Then, if they get pregnant, they just have the baby killed. Since it's legal, it must be ok, at least that seems to be their reasoning.
God never gave us permission to have a sexual relationship outside of marriage. He certainly doesn't give us permission to murder our children. Why aren't moms protecting their babies?
There are two reasons, I can think of, that women would think having an abortion is good. One of the reasons is simply because she has stopped her conscience from working. She did that when she decided to sleep with a man whom she wasn't married to. Once we say it is ok for us to do something wrong, we silence our conscience. When we do that, we sin in many different ways, and don't even realize it. Many times, a woman does end up feeling bad for what she has done. Nobody told her the truth before she went into the clinic to have an abortion.
The other reason I think that women have an abortion, and not feel bad about it, is because she isn't told the truth about what takes place during an abortion. Even more serious than that, those who work at the abortion clinic tell the woman that Jesus is pleased with her having an abortion. If the woman doesn't know the Scriptures, she just might end up believing that, at least for a time.
We can read about parents bringing their children to Molech, and be horrified. It doesn't seem like we are horrified about women going in for an abortion though. Maybe we think the baby doesn't feel anything. Maybe we have believed the lie in which the abortionist says that the baby is only a piece of tissue. I like what Mark Driscoll says about that. He says that he is a piece of tissue. All of us are a piece of tissue.
There have been babies who are born halfway through the gestation period, and they survived. There have been babies who have died while inside the womb, and we have funerals for them. Why is the baby who gets aborted any different? The only difference is the heart of the parents. Their idol is convenience, and the baby is interfering with their idol.
If you are a pregnant women and are considering an abortion, think again. Your baby feels pain. Babies, even in the womb, can sense rejection or fear on the mother's part. You are not dealing with a detached piece of tissue, but instead, your baby is a living soul. If you go through with the abortion, your baby will suffer. You will suffer as well, because deep down inside, you know that an abortion is murder. You will have to live with that the rest of your life.
In our society, we have let go of God's standard, and replaced it with man's standard. We have to bring back God's standard of right and wrong, in the church. The church is responsible for being the light and salt in the community. When the church does not take responsibility, the fear of God will be lost. When people don't fear God, they will turn to idols and worship other 'gods' but will forsake the true and living God. This is why we need to be praying for the church and for the country.
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Children being brought to Molech by their parents, to be burned up and tortured.
(king). The fire-god Molech was the tutelary deity of the children of Ammon, and essentially identical with the Moabitish Chemosh. Fire-gods appear to have been common to all the Canaanite, Syrian and Arab tribes, who worshipped the destructive element under an outward symbol, with the most inhuman rites. According to Jewish tradition, the image of Molech was of brass, hollow within, and was situated without Jerusalem. "His face was (that) of a calf, and his hands stretched forth like a man who opens his hands to receive (something) of his neighbor. And they kindled it with fire, and the priests took the babe and put it into the hands of Molech, and the babe gave up the ghost." Many instances of human sacrifices are found in ancient writers, which may be compared with the description of the Old Testament of the manner in which Molech was worshipped. Molech was the lord and master of the Ammonites; their country was his possession, (Jeremiah 49:1) as Moab was the heritage of Chemosh; the princes of the land were the princes of Malcham. (Jeremiah 49:3; Amos 1:15) His priests were men of rank, (Jeremiah 49:3) taking precedence of the princes. The priests of Molech, like those of other idols, were called Chemarim. (2 Kings 23:5; Hosea 10:5; Zephaniah 1:4) |