Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Muslims Rewriting American History Through School Textbooks

  I came across an article tonight, describing and uproar over a textbook on world History, which depicted the authenticity of Islam and credited it with things that weren't totally accurate (they talk about how wonderful Islam is for women). I will copy and paste the article and url, and you can see for yourself what is going on. Has the church lost the salt and light that it once had? This is why we need to 'pray for the church, and pray for the country'!

Public School Textbook Filled With Muslim Bias?

A world history textbook being used in Florida public schools is raising serious concerns over its alleged Islamic bias. The textbook, used in ninth grade Advanced Placement classes in Brevard County for the past three years, is now under review by the school board.

The book contains an entire chapter devoted to “Muslim Civilizations.” Sean Hannity noted that it has zero chapters on Christianity or Judaism. The chapter teaches about the Prophet Muhammad and how he became God’s messenger. It even describes jihad as a “holy war to defend Islam […] much like the Crusades to defend Christianity.”
Fox News Radio’s Todd Starnes has obtained a copy of the textbook. He told Hannity, “Through the entire chapter, Sean, Islam is defended. They talk about how wonderful Islam is to women. I mean, you’d think that they were having Victoria’s Secret stores over there.”

Starnes said the book attempts to re-write history by likening bad things in Christianity’s history to a “massacre,” but for Islam it’s referred to as an “occupation.”

Hannity asked why the text didn’t cover comparative religions if it was going to discuss religion at all. Starnes said he hasn’t received an answer from the publishing company, Pearson, on that question. In a prepared statement, they told Starnes,  “A review of the book shows there is balanced attention given to the beliefs of Islam, Judaism and Christianity.”

Starnes said this problem is bigger than Brevard County, Florida. He cited a survey by the Citizens for National Security that found that at least 80 textbooks currently in use are filled with Muslim bias.
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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Tension Between Homosexuality And The Church

  I am writing this article because there is so much tension and misunderstandings in the church when in comes to issues of sin, and in this case, homosexuality.
   How do we handle this situation from the standpoint of the church? How have we handled it in the past, and how can we learn from our mistakes?
  First, we all need to agree on the authority of the Scriptures and what they tell us when it comes to right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness, and, truth and error. We need to know what the Scriptures say to us, and we need to be careful when it comes to the many doctrines floating around, to be discerning enough to know what is truth and how to separate it from the lies.
  Homosexuality, from what we read in Scriptures, is sin. Both Old Testament and New Testament talk about this sin, and how God will punish this sin, along with all other sins, one day in judgment.
  Homosexuality isn't new, nor is 'coming out of the closet', although in American History, we could say that coming out of the closet is more recent, because the standard has always been, 'marriage is made up of one woman and one man'. There was shame in being Gay, at one time. Now that Gay people can come out of the closet, and that psychologists are telling their patients that they were born with a sexual orientation that they cannot change, even if they wanted to, the Gay person believes he is living in freedom without guilt and can pursue his long, faithful, sexual desires. Not only that, but the church has been negligent in reaching out to these people, and some church authorities actually have said that the Gay community should be exterminated.
  Gay people lump themselves with blacks and Jews who have been discriminated against, throughout History. They see themselves as victims of bigotry and they believe that they are designed and destined to be Gay, even though they never chose their orientation. Society has fed them lies, along with the lies of the devil to keep them from being delivered from homosexuality.
   As David Powlison (CCEF) would ask, "How can we help?" What can the church do to change this tide of lies that is keeping thousands upon thousands in bondage?
   Let's look at some of the attitudes of the church in the middle of the 20th Century. People made fun of Gays. There was name calling. Churches didn't respond to people when they found out they were Gay. I learned a lot of things from Mel White's book, 'Stranger At The Gate'. I would recommend to anyone who wants to find out how a 'Christian' Gay person thinks, to read this book. It is very detailed and Mel White gives tons of examples of things that were said or happened to him throughout his life, along with his fears. He describes his relationship with Christian men, such as Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Billy Graham, D. James Kennedy, and James Dobson. These men, although very effective in their own particular ministries, were hostile to homosexuals. After many years, Mel White sent them letters telling them that he was Gay, and wanting to provide an opportunity to get with them to discuss homosexuality. Not one responded back. Not even a reply indicating that they were sorry but wouldn't be able to make that appointment. This is where the church went wrong. We were so strong on pointing out why homosexuality is a sin, but failed to help the homosexual to see his sin so he could repent. Our silence basically said that we don't want to have anything to do with them.
   Homosexuals are people who, like us, are created in God's image, but the image is marred because of sin. I think, without realizing it, we might think that these people are less than human. We might think that if we punish them by our silence, they will get the hint and either go away or repent. Or, we could just be afraid or ignorant. We don't know what to do. Would you know what to do if someone in the church confided in you and told you his secret sin of homosexuality? Would you know what to say to him? Would you show him love or would you put him at a distance? Do we really believe that Gay people can repent and be saved? Our response to them shows what we believe about them.
   I don't want to go into too much detail on this letter, but a lesbian wrote a letter to the church, and it is reprinted and published by Hunter Baker, on the Gospel Coalition's web site.Gospel Coalition - Lesbian Letter to the Church
  I would encourage you to read this. I understand that this person doesn't have a clear understanding of the Gospel yet, but, she is honest in admitting what she sees in the church today, concerning the way homosexuals and lesbians are treated. Listed here are some questions this lady asks. Notice her admission of the church not giving hope to Gays.
"When the word “homosexual” is mentioned in the church, we hold our breaths and sit in fear. Most often this word is followed with condemnation, laughter, hatred, or jokes. Rarely do we hear any words of hope. At least we recognize our sin. Does the church as a whole see theirs? Do you see the sin of pride, that you are better than or more acceptable to Jesus than we are? Have you been Christ-like in your relationships with us? Would you meet us at the well, or restaurant, for a cup of water, or coffee? Would you touch us even if we showed signs of leprosy, or aids? Would you call us down from our trees, as Christ did Zacchaeus, and invite yourself to be our guest? Would you allow us to sit at your table and break bread? Can you love us unconditionally and support us as Christ works in our lives, as He works in yours, to help us all to overcome?"
  She, like all other people we try to share the Gospel with, can detect our hypocrisy. Can we look at the logs in our own eyes and take them out (deal with our own sins first) so we can help others to see their sin? Do you see the sin of pride, that she is seeing? Everyone of us has pride, and each of us individually does not usually see our own pride. We can see the sins of others clearly, but we can't see our own. 
   Can we love these people unconditionally and would we go out with them for coffee, or are we afraid of getting AIDS? Or, are we afraid of what other Christians might think of us if they see us associating with a Gay person? 
  If we did treat people with respect (not only Gays, but all lost people), and if we cared for others properly, I wouldn't be surprised if some of them would come to know the Lord. Gay people could be set free and delivered. Those who sat in darkness would now be able to live in the light. Society would feel the positive effects of the love of the church.
  One more thing to consider; I think we put the cart before the horse. I never knew what that phrase meant until now. I believe the general, evangelical, church today believes that we have to come clean before God before we can be saved. Many Christians believe that repenting involves the action of the stopping of sin in our lives. We all agree that God will judge sin, and that sin separates man from God, and people do need to repent when they come to Christ, but we can't 'stop sinning'. When a person comes to Christ, he or she has the grace to say 'no' to sin, but that comes as a person walks with God and grows in faith. It is not the requirement before we come to God. As C.J. Mahaney says, 'The only thing I can bring to the Cross is my sin'. Yes, we do let go of those sins as we are being saved. God gives us new hearts with new desires, and His Holy Spirit lives inside us and gives us the power to say no to temptation. It is God's will for us to be saved and free from sin, but we can't do it ourselves. To me, it looks like many in the church, including church leaders, have this belief that we need to 'stop sinning' and come to Christ in order to be saved.
   What would that look like for a Gay person? He probably has prayed thousands of times for God to take the desire away from him. At first, he really didn't want to be Gay. But after years of having this desire, and having the fear of reprisal from the church, he stayed in his closet until it was ok to come out. It was ok to come out when psychologists told him that he was disobeying God by not following the desires he was created with. So, the Gay person hears a message that tells him to repent. He tries. He's tried that over and over again. The church won't have anything to do with him and treat him like a leper. How can we change?
   Can you see the struggle? The church treats him like a leper. The devil keeps him bound with lies. He is desperate because he really doesn't want to be Gay, but the church says he is unrepentant, because if he truly repented, he wouldn't be Gay anymore. 
  How far should the church go to extend hospitality to this man (or woman)? Obviously, it is not good to allow the Gay person membership in the body of Christ at this point. I remember a woman who was joining our church, who was living with her boyfriend. During the church interview, they told her that she would have to not live with her boyfriend anymore if she wanted to be a member. That is not exclusiveness. If the church believes in the sanctity of marriage, and purity of relationships between men and women, then allowing a person who is living in a relationship that is forbidden in the Bible to join the church, would be hypocrisy. It is the same way with homosexuality. If a person is living in homosexual relationships, and if the church is aligned with the Bible, then a homosexual should not be allowed to be a member of that body. That is ok. Nothing wrong with that. That is not rejection. We need to be there to help these people come to their senses. We also want them to be free to be honest and not feel like they have to hide anything from us. Simply speaking, we need to show the love of Christ to them, with the hopes that they will come to know the Lord in repentance and faith.

"But if we are the body
Why aren't His arms reaching?
Why aren't His hands healing?
Why aren't His words teaching?

And if we are the body
Why aren't His feet going?
Why is His love not showing them
There is a way? There is a way?
Lyrics from <a href=""></a>" Casting Crowns

"Jesus Friend of sinners we have strayed so far away
We cut down people in your name but the sword was never ours to
Jesus friend of sinners the truth's become so hard to see
The world is on their way to You but they're tripping over me
Always looking around but never looking up I'm so double minded
A plank eyed saint with dirty hands and a heart divided"
Lyrics from <a href=""></a>

Are you a sinner? Did Jesus befriend you? Shouldn't you befriend other sinners?

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

The Progress of the Gay Community

   This week, I am taking a particular topic and making it custom fit for my different blogs. The overall topic is 'homosexuality' and its ramifications in the church and society, and why it is this way.
   I just got done reading Mel White's book, 'Stranger At The Gate', which is a biography, sort of, of Mel White, a professing Christian, and his pull into freedom of being able to live as a Gay, Christian man. I know, I know, that is an oxymoron. Let me explain why I am posting this first.
   We need to always be praying for our country, because there are going to be many attacks to try to destroy our freedoms as a nation. Our forefathers fought hard so we could have freedom and not be in bondage to any government. We see today, threats all around us. America needs a healthy church that is praying vigilantly. The Bible tells us to always be praying. The Bible also describes God, and His relationship to mankind. God created man and woman, and they were designed to live together in a complimentary relationship and procreate. This pattern will continue until the end of the age. God commanded people to 'fill the earth and subdue it'. The family unit is the fabric of society.
  The Bible also describes things that are 'unnatural'. One of those things is homosexuality. Man was not intended to lie with another man in the same way he would with a woman. One of the arguments you will get from the Gay community though, is that, if a man lying with another man is forbidden and worthy of punishment, then going to Red Lobster is also worthy of punishment.
   I would like to prepare you with all the objections Gay people will give you when you share with them what the Bible says. Mel White has done in-depth studies on six passages that Christians use against homosexuality. I will probably do that on another blog at another time.
 Let's say, that you are Gay and want to defend homosexuality using the Bible. Mel White has done that. In fact, those who are Gay use his book 'Stranger At The Gate' like their Bible, or their book of defense. You see, Mel White is a Gay Christian who stayed in the closet for many, many years, and claims to have had a strong, unbreakable pull toward homosexuality. I am grateful for the book, because it helps us see things through the eyes of a Gay person who sees himself as a victim of prejudice. He lumps homosexuality with racial bigotry and slavery. He sees groups of people who are oppressed by other, more powerful groups of people, and is speaking out because of what he perceives as injustice.
   Let's go deeper on what Mel White is thinking. I will say that Mr. White is a compassionate man who cringes at any injustice he sees. He is for the underdog. I appreciate his passion for justice. But at the same time, those who have done him, and his people (the Gay community) harm, are those who are speaking out against homosexuality. Because I know that what he writes is bias, and because I haven't heard the other side (Moral Majority) as they spoke out against the sins of homosexuality, I want to be careful to present what I see, as objective as possible.
   Mel White was raised in a Fundamentalist home, where no smoking, drinking, playing cards, or dancing were ever allowed. His grandmother was an evangelist who would preach to Mel's friends and have them 'ask Jesus into their hearts'. She also came up with the idea that sex was only used to procreate. I wonder what Mel's grandfather thought about that?
  Mel spent a lot of time in church and in Christian circles. But in his book, he never explains what he understands about the Gospel, or his sin, or relationship to God. He was afraid that if he did sin, God would send a lightning bolt to kill him. He was terribly afraid of God, but didn't seem to understand about forgiveness of sins, or the power of God to deliver. His theology caused him to believe that God would 'heal' him of being Gay if he had enough faith. He went to healing services and spent a lot of time praying for God to take the desire away. But the desire for having a sexual relationship with another man just became stronger. He felt like God was punishing him because his prayers were not answered.
   At some point down the road, although he knew he had this strong attraction and desire for a man, Mel married his high school sweetheart. She was very supportive of him and loved him sacrificially. They married and had a couple of children. But even through the marriage and family, Mel really wanted to be in the arms of another man. He had hoped that by being married, it would cure him of being Gay.
   At this point, no one but Mel knew that he was struggling with homosexuality. Also, he was a ghostwriter for Billy Graham, Pat Robertson, and Jerry Fallwell. As he worked with these men, although he had great respect for them, they began to speak out against homosexuality.
   Jerry Falwell started campaigning and raising funds for his organization which would help bring America back to God. But according to Mr. White, Jerry was a Gay basher. So was Pat Robertson and D. James Kennedy. The supposed Gay basher that he struggled with most though, was Beverly LaHaye. What she did appeared to be threatening to the Gay community. (I am not sure what her accomplishments were, but I think I remember that she wrote a book called, 'When Women Pray'.) As these people were going forth with their plans to recover America, Mel White interpreted what they were doing as serious threats to the freedom of Gay people.
   I should insert here that Mr. White went to many counselors, doctors, psychologists, etc, because he really was trying to be free from homosexuality. But the turning point came when he went to a woman counselor or psychologist from Fuller Theological Seminary. She basically told Mel that he was a Gay man, and he should accept that fact and go on with his life as a Gay man. At this point, Mel White pushed forward to fulfill this strong passion that he could never get rid of. Go for it Mel! The voices of many who sided with homosexuals encouraged this type of thinking. So Mel and his wife planned on a separation, and eventual divorce, now that Mel was free to pursue a Gay relationship with another man.
   Mel claims that homosexuality is in the genes. He believes science proves homosexuality to be valid. He also uses History to prove homosexuality is valid. He points to men throughout History who were Gay (or he thought were Gay) to affirm his claim.
  Today, Mel is an activist. He is tired of the 'Religious Right' (Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, D. James Kennedy, James Dobson, Billy Graham) pushing their agenda. He is pouring money into fighting these people and their causes.
   There are two points to consider here. One of them is, that, whether Jerry Falwell was really the bad guy Mr. White makes him out to be or not, the church was not there to provide ministry and help to those who were struggling with homosexuality. Many people are struggling with this, but the church doesn't seem prepared to help people see the sin of homosexuality, and the hope that is only in the Cross when we repent. Mr. White didn't have anyone to walk him through while he was struggling. He's not struggling anymore, because he has been told lies by people that are labeled as 'Christians' who were there to counsel him. One lie says that all people have a sexual orientation, and a Gay person is Gay because he has a sexual orientation to be Gay. He also believes that this sexual orientation is permanent. He is unable to do anything about it and needs to resolve that issue by living out his life as a Gay person.
  The other point is, we have to be aware, especially because of this book, that the average Gay person greatly misunderstands several things. First of all, God is opposed to immorality, and homosexuality practiced is a form of immorality. God will judge homosexuals. God will judge all sins though, even the ones you and I struggle with. Homosexuality is not a unique sin that has to be dealt with in a different way than other sins. All sin is resolved at the Cross. And the power of the blood of Christ can set people free from homosexuality and any other sin.
   We have to understand that the devil has been lying to all of us, and unless we can weed out the words of his voice, we are going to be fighting against other people, and we might not even know what we are fighting about. The Gay people have been lied to. But the church has been lied to as well. Both Gay and Christians have been lied to and are going to fight a war that is over an imaginary god that says that homosexuals are created by God that way, and they will never be able to become heterosexual and they need to build a community of like-minded folk who will fight for the cause of homosexuality. The church is not ready to help these people come out of their bondage, because we have not humbled ourselves and dealt with our own sin issues. We can't pull the wool over the eyes of the world and make them think we are ok but they aren't. They see right through us and that gives them more credibility to keep going in their wayward direction.
   The Gay community is not small. There are millions of Gay people waiting to be set free so they can do what they want to do without someone telling them that they are doing wrong. They are becoming politically active and are becoming apologetic in their activities. The church needs to 1). pray for them, 2). become informed on homosexuality (don't just make assumptions on what it is and what it involves) 3). Study what the Bible says on homosexuality. Study what the Bible says on the fallen nature of man, and the attributes of God. 4). Look for homosexuals in your church. Reach out to them. Offer friendship to them. Being a friend to a Gay person does not say that you approve of their being Gay. You are the only hope they have that can bring them to Christ, which is what they need to have. You may be the only 'Bible' they ever read. If you hate Gay people, what does that say about God? You represent God before people. Are you a good representative or a bad one?