I want to make my readers aware of what goes on Halloween night. I had a friend who was involved in devil worship before she came to Christ, and she helped me to be aware of some things that happen.
I also did a little studying on the Internet to find out more information on this. From what I can tell, October 31st, is a high holy day on the calendar for Satanic worshipers. Part of their worship involves taking a person and preparing him or her to be a human sacrifice. According to my friend, when I asked her where the people come from who are used in these human sacrifices, many times, they are homeless people.
The person will spend a period of time in preparation for this (not sure what this is all about). Those who are part of this ritual will take the person and sacrifice him or her around midnight.
I don't pretend to understand all that is involved in this, but, my point is that we can be praying. We can pray for God to intervene. The blood of Jesus Christ was shed to disarm the Powers of Darkness. We need to fight in the spiritual battles around us. The lives of people are at stake.
I don't know how many people are going to be sacrificed tonight or if it is in every city or state, or just in a centralized location. I just know that the devil wants to destroy us and will either physically ruin us or spiritually keep us bound or in the world of lies. We need discernment and the love of God in our hearts, and we need to be praying for those who are caught in the snares of the devil.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Who Will Win? Islam or the LGBT?
Boundaries are an interesting things. We think of boundaries as a type of restriction, and more specifically, in America, we think of boundaries as something that is there to take our fun away. We think freedom comes from being able to do whatever we want to do. But did you know that your 'freedom' could be violating someone else's freedom?
Before I go further, I want to clarify the fact that I don't believe every Muslim is a Radical Muslim. I also don't believe that every person struggling with homosexuality or same-sex attraction has an LGBT agenda, so what I write here is not to attack peace-loving Muslims or homosexuals who are struggling with being Gay, but don't seem to have an alternative. I am referring to those who have a political agenda, with the intention of taking away the rights of others.
Boundaries are part of our lives. But there are some people who have had their boundaries taken away during their childhood. Many are rape victims who were instructed to never tell anyone what happened to them or who did it to them, and they also carry the guilt of the perpetrator. But these people would like to have boundaries around them too, if they could.
There was a study done where school children were observed at recess time. There was no fence around the school yard, and the children did not venture too far into the school yard. They stayed close to the building, if they went out at all. Then one day, a fence was put up around the school building. When the children went out for recess after the fence was put up, they ventured out into the school yard and felt safe wherever they were, as long as they were inside the fenced area.
There is a lie inside of all of us that says that we are missing it if we stay inside the boundaries. In the spiritual realm, God has placed boundaries around us. They are listed in His word. We are not to go outside of those boundaries or we will be in an unsafe area, spiritually speaking, and perhaps even physically.
When we go outside of those boundaries, it is called, 'trespassing'. We are stepping over the boundary lines and God considers it sin. That is the exact reason Jesus had to die for us. We continually step outside of God's boundaries for us. We will continue to do so until we are born again, when we come to Christ in repentance and faith. Then we will become a new creature in Christ and will have the power of God to stay within the boundaries that God has placed around us.
In our life on earth, we step over the boundaries of other people. Our belief systems include violating other people's rights. Society tells us we can do whatever we want to do unless we harm someone. The problem is, we do our own thing, and we do hurt others but we don't care. We don't love other people, because we love ourselves too much.
Take for example, a woman who leaves her husband and goes off with someone else. She has broken her marriage vows, rejected her husband, and committed adultery. Yet, many will say, who are in this situation, "I'm not hurting anyone."Whether you want to believe it or not, this woman is hurting many people. Her 'rights' to herself say that she can do whatever she wants to. But that is not what the Bible says. Her rights have violated someone else's rights (or more probably, several people's rights).
When it comes to boundaries, today, people invade other people's boundaries. We want to protect ourselves and what we have, but, we violate other people's boundaries in order to get what we want. Plus, if a person does not have boundaries, they will invade the boundaries of other people because they don't understand how to set boundaries, and where the boundaries of other people are set.
So, now we get to Islam, and LGBT. Let's say that America is a free country where you can have the faith of any religion that you want to believe in. Well, according to Islam, they are directed to kill those who do not submit to Islam. So, if Islam has the 'right' to be part of American society, then part of their 'right' is to kill those who do not join them (or tax them with a high fine).
The LGBT wants to rule America too. It is unclear at this point, but from the way they look, the LGBT is really a religion, only it is a religion that is dedicated to destroy Biblical Christianity. We do, at present live in a free society, where we can believe whatever faith we want to believe. But what the LGBT wants is for those who are of the traditional, Biblical Christian faith to say it is ok for homosexuals to practice homosexuality, and they would hinder those who would teach what the Bible says about homosexuality. What I don't understand yet is the reason why they just don't start their own churches, where the god they believe in allows homosexuals to marry. Why do they have to infringe upon the rights of those who want to believe what the Bible teaches about same-sex relationships and try to pass laws condemning people from teaching the Bible when it comes to homosexuality?
Both Islam and the LGBT have crossed the boundaries of those who disagree with them. Their 'rights' to practice their religion is harmful to those who hold a differing viewpoint. They are invading the boundaries of others, and taking away the rights of other people. Both have a political agenda and both want power and control.
God is bigger than the LGBT and Islam put together. Islam will bow before Jesus, as will those who embrace homosexuality, at the expense of others.
If our nation continues on this track, what will happen? Will the country be run by homosexuals or by Muslims? It won't be both for, Islam does not allow for homosexuality. If, in the end, there are only homosexuals and Muslims, only one will remain. Which one will it be?
Of course, the church can be shining bright during this time, and can be the beacon for truth in a dark, lost world. If we believe that God has stopped working since the last Apostle died, then we will have a weak church. But if we believe that the God of the Bible is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then we will see that during this time period of the church age, the same God who brought Moses and the Israelites across the Red Sea is the same God we serve today. If we believe that the same God who raised Jesus from the dead, is the same God who lives in us, then we can know that this God is the Great Almighty God who dwells within us and is preparing His Bride (the church) for the return of Christ. We can be empowered to serve this God. Don't listen to the lies of the Enemy who belittles God's power by saying He doesn't work in the same way as He did in Bible times. Think about it. All throughout the Bible, God was all powerful and did signs and wonders. All throughout eternity God will do powerful works. Why is it that during the church age, God isn't showing Himself powerful? Could it be unbelief on our part? God wants to do exploits in the lives of those who are His. Let us not limit Him in what He wants to do in our midsts, especially during this dark time in God's story of the world.
Before I go further, I want to clarify the fact that I don't believe every Muslim is a Radical Muslim. I also don't believe that every person struggling with homosexuality or same-sex attraction has an LGBT agenda, so what I write here is not to attack peace-loving Muslims or homosexuals who are struggling with being Gay, but don't seem to have an alternative. I am referring to those who have a political agenda, with the intention of taking away the rights of others.
Boundaries are part of our lives. But there are some people who have had their boundaries taken away during their childhood. Many are rape victims who were instructed to never tell anyone what happened to them or who did it to them, and they also carry the guilt of the perpetrator. But these people would like to have boundaries around them too, if they could.
There was a study done where school children were observed at recess time. There was no fence around the school yard, and the children did not venture too far into the school yard. They stayed close to the building, if they went out at all. Then one day, a fence was put up around the school building. When the children went out for recess after the fence was put up, they ventured out into the school yard and felt safe wherever they were, as long as they were inside the fenced area.
There is a lie inside of all of us that says that we are missing it if we stay inside the boundaries. In the spiritual realm, God has placed boundaries around us. They are listed in His word. We are not to go outside of those boundaries or we will be in an unsafe area, spiritually speaking, and perhaps even physically.
When we go outside of those boundaries, it is called, 'trespassing'. We are stepping over the boundary lines and God considers it sin. That is the exact reason Jesus had to die for us. We continually step outside of God's boundaries for us. We will continue to do so until we are born again, when we come to Christ in repentance and faith. Then we will become a new creature in Christ and will have the power of God to stay within the boundaries that God has placed around us.
In our life on earth, we step over the boundaries of other people. Our belief systems include violating other people's rights. Society tells us we can do whatever we want to do unless we harm someone. The problem is, we do our own thing, and we do hurt others but we don't care. We don't love other people, because we love ourselves too much.
Take for example, a woman who leaves her husband and goes off with someone else. She has broken her marriage vows, rejected her husband, and committed adultery. Yet, many will say, who are in this situation, "I'm not hurting anyone."Whether you want to believe it or not, this woman is hurting many people. Her 'rights' to herself say that she can do whatever she wants to. But that is not what the Bible says. Her rights have violated someone else's rights (or more probably, several people's rights).
When it comes to boundaries, today, people invade other people's boundaries. We want to protect ourselves and what we have, but, we violate other people's boundaries in order to get what we want. Plus, if a person does not have boundaries, they will invade the boundaries of other people because they don't understand how to set boundaries, and where the boundaries of other people are set.
So, now we get to Islam, and LGBT. Let's say that America is a free country where you can have the faith of any religion that you want to believe in. Well, according to Islam, they are directed to kill those who do not submit to Islam. So, if Islam has the 'right' to be part of American society, then part of their 'right' is to kill those who do not join them (or tax them with a high fine).
The LGBT wants to rule America too. It is unclear at this point, but from the way they look, the LGBT is really a religion, only it is a religion that is dedicated to destroy Biblical Christianity. We do, at present live in a free society, where we can believe whatever faith we want to believe. But what the LGBT wants is for those who are of the traditional, Biblical Christian faith to say it is ok for homosexuals to practice homosexuality, and they would hinder those who would teach what the Bible says about homosexuality. What I don't understand yet is the reason why they just don't start their own churches, where the god they believe in allows homosexuals to marry. Why do they have to infringe upon the rights of those who want to believe what the Bible teaches about same-sex relationships and try to pass laws condemning people from teaching the Bible when it comes to homosexuality?
Both Islam and the LGBT have crossed the boundaries of those who disagree with them. Their 'rights' to practice their religion is harmful to those who hold a differing viewpoint. They are invading the boundaries of others, and taking away the rights of other people. Both have a political agenda and both want power and control.
God is bigger than the LGBT and Islam put together. Islam will bow before Jesus, as will those who embrace homosexuality, at the expense of others.
If our nation continues on this track, what will happen? Will the country be run by homosexuals or by Muslims? It won't be both for, Islam does not allow for homosexuality. If, in the end, there are only homosexuals and Muslims, only one will remain. Which one will it be?
Of course, the church can be shining bright during this time, and can be the beacon for truth in a dark, lost world. If we believe that God has stopped working since the last Apostle died, then we will have a weak church. But if we believe that the God of the Bible is the same yesterday, today, and forever, then we will see that during this time period of the church age, the same God who brought Moses and the Israelites across the Red Sea is the same God we serve today. If we believe that the same God who raised Jesus from the dead, is the same God who lives in us, then we can know that this God is the Great Almighty God who dwells within us and is preparing His Bride (the church) for the return of Christ. We can be empowered to serve this God. Don't listen to the lies of the Enemy who belittles God's power by saying He doesn't work in the same way as He did in Bible times. Think about it. All throughout the Bible, God was all powerful and did signs and wonders. All throughout eternity God will do powerful works. Why is it that during the church age, God isn't showing Himself powerful? Could it be unbelief on our part? God wants to do exploits in the lives of those who are His. Let us not limit Him in what He wants to do in our midsts, especially during this dark time in God's story of the world.
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Is It Too Late For America, Or Is There Another Answer?
Here are a few thoughts I have concerning the future of out nation. As you know, this nation we live in is much different than the nation we started with. When this nation started out, the men who were leading it were God fearing, and used the principles in God's word as the foundation for this country. They were not perfect, and they may not have even known the Lord, but they did fear God, and they did run this nation based upon the principles of God's word.
My thoughts are mainly questions. The first question I am thinking is, will this nation be judged by God and destroyed, or, will this nation just collapse due to corruption?
Second question; Can those who are destroying this nation by their lifestyle choices ever repent? Or has God turned them over completely to their wickedness and ultimate destruction?
Third question; Can we ever recover from the degree of darkness that we have brought ourselves into? Is it possible for us to ever become a God-fearing country, once again?
Fourth question; How deep do we have to go into darkness, before we come back to the light? Can the prayers of the righteous bring us back to the light again, or has God given up on America?
Fifth question; Will this hardship wake up the church, and will many start doing the work of evangelism, or will this hardship drive people away from the church and make it harder for the Gospel to be presented openly?
My thoughts are mainly questions. The first question I am thinking is, will this nation be judged by God and destroyed, or, will this nation just collapse due to corruption?
Second question; Can those who are destroying this nation by their lifestyle choices ever repent? Or has God turned them over completely to their wickedness and ultimate destruction?
Third question; Can we ever recover from the degree of darkness that we have brought ourselves into? Is it possible for us to ever become a God-fearing country, once again?
Fourth question; How deep do we have to go into darkness, before we come back to the light? Can the prayers of the righteous bring us back to the light again, or has God given up on America?
Fifth question; Will this hardship wake up the church, and will many start doing the work of evangelism, or will this hardship drive people away from the church and make it harder for the Gospel to be presented openly?
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Responsibilities of the Church and the State
Here is a comment I wrote on Facebook a couple of minutes ago. It has to do with the responsibility of the church and the effect it will have on the community when the church takes seriously the claims of the word of God.
Here's the deal: The state cannot legalize morality. The
state is limited in what it can do to 'help' in a situation with unwed mothers
or providing funds for birth control. It can help in the areas of benevolence,
charity, etc. It cannot do what the church was intended to do. The church's
responsibility is to declare and demonstrate the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which
is the only answer to the dilemma of brokenness.
The church is not responsible
for supporting people who live lifestyles that are contrary to the word of God.
But I believe if the church is healthy (and I am not speaking of one particular
church, but the body of Christ in general), then people will come to know the
Lord. If they have genuine conversions, they will have the power to live lives
that are in line with God's word. This has nothing to do with having the state
support the church. But I really do believe if the church will genuinely turn
back to God, in humility and trust, as well as obedience, then the church will
be in the place of being able to be the Instrument of Righteousness that God
intended for her to be.
The problem we have today, is that the world and its
principles have crept into the church (maybe they were there all along) and we
have a watered down church presenting a powerless Gospel and a small, powerless
God, who is not capable of changing anyone's heart. If we presented the God of
the Bible, the way He identifies Himself, then we would have a different
picture of what is right and wrong. People make wrong choices simply because
they don't see anything better than the choices they have made. They haven't
seen God in His holiness and majesty. They have only seen a god we have created
and wish we could believe in (like a Genie in a bottle, or a Santa Claus god).
We turn to God when we want something, but we avoid Him when something is
required of us. But if we truly knew God, the way He is, and in His awesome
power, we would be different, those around us would be affected, and I believe
those in the White House would in turn be affected as well. Broken people would
be healed. Drug addicts would be delivered. Young girls wouldn't be spending
their time trying to win some guy's love for them. Abused women wouldn't be
tempted to commit suicide. Men would learn to love their wives and treat them
with respect. There would be a worthwhile cause for us to live for. The
alternative is just an empty life where we go from one thrill to the next, to
pass the time away while we exist on this little planet.
Friday, July 3, 2015
Another Religion Taught In A Business Class For A Big Company
The hype was on. There was a business learning opportunity that seemed to be in demand that was being made available to people in my group.
It started as a Facebook post with my name tagged. Several others were being tagged as well, so as to not miss the deadline. This was sure to be an event one did not miss.
What we were told that we would be learning would be twofold; we would learn about the product we are selling and using, and, we would learn about how to build our business and make it successful.
While everything was being settled, and people were still trying to get in on the event, a video came out that was the first of many. But what we learned was way different than I expected.
I got out my notepad to take notes, but stopped taking them about a quarter of the way through the webinar. The woman told us at the beginning that we had power. She informed us that nothing can stop us from doing what we want. We were also told that we were co-creators with whoever created us. I was ready to turn the video off at that point, but I continued to listen. Perhaps there would be an opportunity somewhere to inject some truth.
There was a strong emphasis on meditation. The lady said that we were to look inside ourselves for the answers. All the answers to anything we need reside inside of us. We were also to view ourselves as powerful. This theme continued throughout the whole video, which lasted almost an hour.
I was hoping to learn some good business principles. Up to this point, everything I have learned from this company has been beneficial. But this video was so far from reality, that it isn't even funny. In fact, it is kind of scary.
Do the people who are watching this video really believe now that they are co-creators with God? (The woman used terms like God, Jesus, the universe, interchangeably). If after watching this video, are the people who are selling this product thinking that now they have some kind of positive power in them that they never realized?
(The teaching sounded like a combination of Norman Vincent Peale, Word of Faith movement, and New Age).
What concerns me is the observation that no one seems alarmed. There are many Christians in this field, and I am sure they have watched this video. Did their understanding of God change after they watched the video, or were they discerning and realized that the woman was teaching heresy of the first degree?
You don't have to have a doctorate of divinity to understand that what this woman was teaching was another religion. Any Christian who has even a small understanding of Bible truths should be able to watch that video and realize that something was wrong with that picture.
The woman did not profess to be a Christian, but, obviously, she did believe that some kind of higher power existed, even if she didn't know what his or her name was.
I am putting this blog here on this page for a couple of reasons. I do not want anyone to be offended because of what I am exposing on their video (or a video that they think is supposed to be super good). I do hope that I might have an opportunity to speak the truth in love, and I do need prayer to know how to do this properly.
I think we need to know what is going on in the world today. There are tons of business classes taking places in various places as well as on the Internet. I haven't been exposed to too many of them, and I have never seen anything like this in any business forum I have been in yet, but that doesn't mean that this kind of thing is not going on somewhere else.
The best way to start dealing with situations like this is to pray. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. We need to be fasting as well. We need to be praying in the Spirit. We need to come back to worshiping the True and Living God.
My prayer and desire is for my readers to be discerning. I know there is a lot of talk about Yoga and its benefits. I am sure there are exercise techniques that might be helpful to us, but let's be careful not to embrace the aspects offered in Yoga that are contrary to the word of God. When it comes to meditation, we should be meditating on God's word. Our minds can be a playground for Satan if we allow it to be. God wants our minds to be renewed. We are to have the 'mind of Christ'. Our decisions should come out of having a renewed mind that has been fed by the word of God.
Let us be discerning. Let us separate the truth from the lies. We want to be careful to not throw the baby out with the bath water. We need to be careful with what we hear from others, even if the teacher or speaker is being touted as top-notch or the cream of the crop.
Beware of any teaching that says that 'you are awesome' or 'you are great', or even where the teaching says that all answers reside in you. All answers reside in God, and as we trust Him, we will receive answers. They do not reside in us. We are a fallen race, but we can be restored because of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Everyday Evangelism
P.S. One of the assignments is to make a video telling of our intent (dream) of why we are doing this business. From there, I can explain exactly why I want to start a business, and bring God into the picture. Pray for me to have wisdom to know how to do this right, or if I should just not continue in this class.
It started as a Facebook post with my name tagged. Several others were being tagged as well, so as to not miss the deadline. This was sure to be an event one did not miss.
What we were told that we would be learning would be twofold; we would learn about the product we are selling and using, and, we would learn about how to build our business and make it successful.
While everything was being settled, and people were still trying to get in on the event, a video came out that was the first of many. But what we learned was way different than I expected.
I got out my notepad to take notes, but stopped taking them about a quarter of the way through the webinar. The woman told us at the beginning that we had power. She informed us that nothing can stop us from doing what we want. We were also told that we were co-creators with whoever created us. I was ready to turn the video off at that point, but I continued to listen. Perhaps there would be an opportunity somewhere to inject some truth.
There was a strong emphasis on meditation. The lady said that we were to look inside ourselves for the answers. All the answers to anything we need reside inside of us. We were also to view ourselves as powerful. This theme continued throughout the whole video, which lasted almost an hour.
I was hoping to learn some good business principles. Up to this point, everything I have learned from this company has been beneficial. But this video was so far from reality, that it isn't even funny. In fact, it is kind of scary.
Do the people who are watching this video really believe now that they are co-creators with God? (The woman used terms like God, Jesus, the universe, interchangeably). If after watching this video, are the people who are selling this product thinking that now they have some kind of positive power in them that they never realized?
(The teaching sounded like a combination of Norman Vincent Peale, Word of Faith movement, and New Age).
What concerns me is the observation that no one seems alarmed. There are many Christians in this field, and I am sure they have watched this video. Did their understanding of God change after they watched the video, or were they discerning and realized that the woman was teaching heresy of the first degree?
You don't have to have a doctorate of divinity to understand that what this woman was teaching was another religion. Any Christian who has even a small understanding of Bible truths should be able to watch that video and realize that something was wrong with that picture.
The woman did not profess to be a Christian, but, obviously, she did believe that some kind of higher power existed, even if she didn't know what his or her name was.
I am putting this blog here on this page for a couple of reasons. I do not want anyone to be offended because of what I am exposing on their video (or a video that they think is supposed to be super good). I do hope that I might have an opportunity to speak the truth in love, and I do need prayer to know how to do this properly.
I think we need to know what is going on in the world today. There are tons of business classes taking places in various places as well as on the Internet. I haven't been exposed to too many of them, and I have never seen anything like this in any business forum I have been in yet, but that doesn't mean that this kind of thing is not going on somewhere else.
The best way to start dealing with situations like this is to pray. The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing. We need to be fasting as well. We need to be praying in the Spirit. We need to come back to worshiping the True and Living God.
My prayer and desire is for my readers to be discerning. I know there is a lot of talk about Yoga and its benefits. I am sure there are exercise techniques that might be helpful to us, but let's be careful not to embrace the aspects offered in Yoga that are contrary to the word of God. When it comes to meditation, we should be meditating on God's word. Our minds can be a playground for Satan if we allow it to be. God wants our minds to be renewed. We are to have the 'mind of Christ'. Our decisions should come out of having a renewed mind that has been fed by the word of God.
Let us be discerning. Let us separate the truth from the lies. We want to be careful to not throw the baby out with the bath water. We need to be careful with what we hear from others, even if the teacher or speaker is being touted as top-notch or the cream of the crop.
Beware of any teaching that says that 'you are awesome' or 'you are great', or even where the teaching says that all answers reside in you. All answers reside in God, and as we trust Him, we will receive answers. They do not reside in us. We are a fallen race, but we can be restored because of the Cross of Jesus Christ.
Everyday Evangelism
P.S. One of the assignments is to make a video telling of our intent (dream) of why we are doing this business. From there, I can explain exactly why I want to start a business, and bring God into the picture. Pray for me to have wisdom to know how to do this right, or if I should just not continue in this class.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Are Large Corporations Bad Or Dangerous?
Most of the items I buy are either local or from a store, but not from a mainstream brand. I have some oil stains on my shirts and my mother told me that Pine Sol works to get them out. The problem is that Pine Sol is owned by a company that is owned by a large corporation. But is this a bad thing or is it something I can use to my benefit without doing any harm?
What are the problems with large corporations? Are corporations a bad thing? How do they work and what are the ramifications of using corporations?
Small businesses are owned either by one person or a small group. With the Internet, small businesses can be very successful, even internationally. If the product that is made, or the service provided by that business is one that is in demand, the business will prosper and could even be bought by a larger corporation.
The intention of a small business is usually to provide a certain amount of business that will not be overwhelming to the person who owns the business, but yet, make enough money to keep the business going and to support the owner's family.
Sometimes, it is just easier to work for a large corporation. The rules are already set and if you work hard, you can move up in the company usually. Many times, the hours of work are already set. It takes a big load off the person, especially those who do not have a business mind. It can be very helpful.
The problems with the large corporation really have to do with the people who run the corporation. If you have a well run corporation with Godly people at the top, the business should do well. However, if the corporation is run by men and women who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ, every decision they make will be made with a mind that is outside of Christ. The decisions may include some wisdom, at times. If those at the top of the corporation have some understanding of the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness, truth and error, then some of their decisions may be very good. But the problem is, if those leading these businesses do not fear God, then its anyone's game. They can make whatever decisions they want, regardless of how harmful the results could be to the consumers.
Although I do not see the FDA as a business, per se, this group is a perfect example of people who are at the top who are making unwise decisions. The man who is one of the deputy commissioners of Food for the FDA is also one of the lawyers for a large, mega corporation called, 'Monsanto'. Monsanto has basically taken our food that God has created, put it into a lab, and are changing the genetic structure of plants. Supposedly, this will enable the Monsanto supported farms to have specialized seeds that no one else is allowed to have (the seeds are patented). If the momentum continues, then all other seeds will become extinct, and the only seeds that will survive will be the ones that were taken to the lab and have been genetically modified. It will put the local farmer out of business, under the guise that it will be able to feed the whole world. In their 'wisdom' they would like you to believe that they are doing a good thing for the world, but evidence is now showing that what they are doing is harmful. Do they see? If they do, they probably will not acknowledge that they are wrong, for if they do, they will risk losing tons and tons of money. That is where their hearts are.
Farms are a perfect example of how a business should work. There should be local farms that provide the food necessary for that community. It is not wrong to import food from another place, but when most of our food comes from big, giant agricultural farms, then a lot has been lost in the quality of our food. We can either provide food locally for all of us in our communities, or we can provide a couple of gigantic farms located in a couple of different places in the U.S. to provide enough food for all of the chain grocery stores.
The problem with big gigantic farms is that there is a lot of compromise. First, there are so many cows and not enough space for the cows to roam, that they must be held in one place on a continual basis. This is not healthful for the cow, and it shortens the life of the cow as well. Second, the cows are fed a grain diet instead of allowing them to roam and eat grass. Cows were never intended to live on grain, but grain is a lot cheaper than grass and goes a long, long way. Feeding cattle grass would be too costly on a farm like this. Here is where you have people who do not have the mind of Christ, or the wisdom of God to make right decisions. You have people at the top who are only concerned about the dollar instead of being concerned about the health of the people. Is it any wonder that Americans are so sick today? The third reason is simply because cows are given antibiotics to keep them from getting sick, and growth hormones to make them grow fast. Again, this is to protect the ability to make money and not care about the welfare of people. But on a large agricultural farm, there really are no alternatives to this dilemma. Again, this is the result of unwise decisions on the parts of those running the FDA.
This type of situation is the same though as with large corporations. Those at the top call the shots. Money equals power and authority. If those who are at the top of these corporations are ungodly, we can expect serious consequences. The problem is not with the structure of the corporation necessarily. It is with the people who are at the top. That is why Godly leadership is so vital.
If the corporations are run by God-fearing people, they will probably be fine and helpful. The answer to the question above depends upon who is running the corporations at the top level.
That is why we need to be praying for those in authority. If God fearing people are running our country, then the rules they will enforce will be supported by Scripture. If ungodly people are running our country, then we need to take heed, for there will be serious ramifications for their decisions.
Bill Bright, who has now gone on to be with the Lord, suggested praying for those in authority. He recommended praying for God to raise up Godly leadership. He also recommended for us to pray that God would remove unrighteous authority. Could this be one big reason for evangelism? Could we also be praying for the people in America to be hungry for God? Can America ever be brought back to being a God-fearing nation again?
What are the problems with large corporations? Are corporations a bad thing? How do they work and what are the ramifications of using corporations?
Small businesses are owned either by one person or a small group. With the Internet, small businesses can be very successful, even internationally. If the product that is made, or the service provided by that business is one that is in demand, the business will prosper and could even be bought by a larger corporation.
The intention of a small business is usually to provide a certain amount of business that will not be overwhelming to the person who owns the business, but yet, make enough money to keep the business going and to support the owner's family.
Sometimes, it is just easier to work for a large corporation. The rules are already set and if you work hard, you can move up in the company usually. Many times, the hours of work are already set. It takes a big load off the person, especially those who do not have a business mind. It can be very helpful.
The problems with the large corporation really have to do with the people who run the corporation. If you have a well run corporation with Godly people at the top, the business should do well. However, if the corporation is run by men and women who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ, every decision they make will be made with a mind that is outside of Christ. The decisions may include some wisdom, at times. If those at the top of the corporation have some understanding of the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness, truth and error, then some of their decisions may be very good. But the problem is, if those leading these businesses do not fear God, then its anyone's game. They can make whatever decisions they want, regardless of how harmful the results could be to the consumers.
Although I do not see the FDA as a business, per se, this group is a perfect example of people who are at the top who are making unwise decisions. The man who is one of the deputy commissioners of Food for the FDA is also one of the lawyers for a large, mega corporation called, 'Monsanto'. Monsanto has basically taken our food that God has created, put it into a lab, and are changing the genetic structure of plants. Supposedly, this will enable the Monsanto supported farms to have specialized seeds that no one else is allowed to have (the seeds are patented). If the momentum continues, then all other seeds will become extinct, and the only seeds that will survive will be the ones that were taken to the lab and have been genetically modified. It will put the local farmer out of business, under the guise that it will be able to feed the whole world. In their 'wisdom' they would like you to believe that they are doing a good thing for the world, but evidence is now showing that what they are doing is harmful. Do they see? If they do, they probably will not acknowledge that they are wrong, for if they do, they will risk losing tons and tons of money. That is where their hearts are.
Farms are a perfect example of how a business should work. There should be local farms that provide the food necessary for that community. It is not wrong to import food from another place, but when most of our food comes from big, giant agricultural farms, then a lot has been lost in the quality of our food. We can either provide food locally for all of us in our communities, or we can provide a couple of gigantic farms located in a couple of different places in the U.S. to provide enough food for all of the chain grocery stores.
The problem with big gigantic farms is that there is a lot of compromise. First, there are so many cows and not enough space for the cows to roam, that they must be held in one place on a continual basis. This is not healthful for the cow, and it shortens the life of the cow as well. Second, the cows are fed a grain diet instead of allowing them to roam and eat grass. Cows were never intended to live on grain, but grain is a lot cheaper than grass and goes a long, long way. Feeding cattle grass would be too costly on a farm like this. Here is where you have people who do not have the mind of Christ, or the wisdom of God to make right decisions. You have people at the top who are only concerned about the dollar instead of being concerned about the health of the people. Is it any wonder that Americans are so sick today? The third reason is simply because cows are given antibiotics to keep them from getting sick, and growth hormones to make them grow fast. Again, this is to protect the ability to make money and not care about the welfare of people. But on a large agricultural farm, there really are no alternatives to this dilemma. Again, this is the result of unwise decisions on the parts of those running the FDA.
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Will grass-fed cows become a thing of the past with Monsanto's continual power growth? |
This type of situation is the same though as with large corporations. Those at the top call the shots. Money equals power and authority. If those who are at the top of these corporations are ungodly, we can expect serious consequences. The problem is not with the structure of the corporation necessarily. It is with the people who are at the top. That is why Godly leadership is so vital.
If the corporations are run by God-fearing people, they will probably be fine and helpful. The answer to the question above depends upon who is running the corporations at the top level.
That is why we need to be praying for those in authority. If God fearing people are running our country, then the rules they will enforce will be supported by Scripture. If ungodly people are running our country, then we need to take heed, for there will be serious ramifications for their decisions.
Bill Bright, who has now gone on to be with the Lord, suggested praying for those in authority. He recommended praying for God to raise up Godly leadership. He also recommended for us to pray that God would remove unrighteous authority. Could this be one big reason for evangelism? Could we also be praying for the people in America to be hungry for God? Can America ever be brought back to being a God-fearing nation again?
Saturday, June 27, 2015
Will America Be Destroyed?
What do you think the future of America will be? Or, does America have a future?
Let's look at some of the common thinking that people have today. Some would say that Thomas Jefferson, for example, wanted Separation of Church and State. This is actually correct. What would the alternative have been? Why did the Pilgrims come to America in the first place?
If you know your History, you will see that the Pilgrims came over on a ship called the Mayflower. Half the people on this ship were Pilgrims, and the other half were called, 'Adventurers', for lack of a better word. The Adventurers came to this country to find gold and become rich. But the Pilgrims came over here to find a place to live where they could have religious freedom from the King of England. The King of England was the one who ruled the Church of England. How would you like to have your church ruled by the President of the United States? Can you see what Thomas Jefferson was concerned about when he wrote his letter to the Baptist church in Danbury?
The Founding Fathers of this nation made many references to God. We do not know if they truly believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, but we do know that they feared God and respected His principles. They respected the words of the Bible and made references to them often. This is contrary to what people will tell you today. They will say that the Founding Fathers never intended for God to be involved in our government. What they are actually saying is that, instead of the government not having control over the church, they would like us to believe that the government can have nothing to do with the church. The goal for these people would be to have a government run by people who are totally separated from any church. What started out being a protection for the church, is becoming a detriment to the church. How did we get here?
The government and the church are two separate entities, but they can work together. According to the Constitution, the government is not allowed to establish a religion or religious enterprise. It cannot control the church. That doesn't mean it can't work with the church or even support the church. The church is to be run by pastors and elders, not the president. But those who are in governmental places can still be God fearing and can represent God, even while in office. Basically, the government cannot establish any religious organization or church, but it can be fully supportive of the church without interfering.
Back to my intent on this post. Will America be destroyed? Let's look at some History first. History always repeats itself and we can learn a lot of lessons from the past.
In Genesis 19, we see a man named Lot, with his family, living in a high class place called Sodom. It was a beautiful place, obviously blessed by God, and Lot chose to live there with his wife, and daughters. God warned of His plan to destroy this city. Lot pleaded and tried to reason with the angels who came to help him leave before God would destroy the city.
The angels continued to instruct Lot and his family to leave. God was going to do what He intended to do. Abraham pleaded with God as well, and God showed him that if there were 10 who were faithful in the city, that God would not destroy the city. But in this group there were not 10. There was Lot and his wife, Lot's two daughters, and their future husbands. God was not going to spare this city.
Here is what Peter says about Lot in his epistle: "if by turning the cities of
Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, making them
an example of what is going to happen to the ungodly; and if he
rescued righteous Lot, greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked (for as that righteous man lived among
them day after day, he was tormenting his righteous soul over their
lawless deeds that he saw and heard);" 2 Peter 2: 6-8 ESV
We know that God destroyed the world
when He sent the Great Flood in Noah's day. He destroyed the cities of Sodom
and Gomorrah when the people practiced sexual sins. Throughout History, we see
that nations have risen up and fallen. No nation can continue to function as a
nation when they turn their backs against God. Why would America be any
What happens when we turn
away from God as a nation? One thing is for sure; we will no longer be under
His protection. We have removed ourselves from the umbrella of His protection.
Whenever God tells us not to do something, there is usually visible ramifications.
There are things that happen that don't seem to have a remedy. The remedy can
only be found in God, and if we turn against Him, we will not have the
The remedy for our sin and
wrongdoing is the Cross of Jesus Christ. If we reject this, we are the ones who
will suffer. We do not get to call the shots in this life. We are the creation,
not the Creator. We did not make ourselves. We do not make the rules. We break
them and we think there is no consequence. But there will be. What will it be?
After yesterday's ruling, I am
not sure what to expect as far as our nation is concerned. I know two things;
one is that God is patient and desires all to come to repentance, because He is
not willing that any should perish, and two is that God will not be mocked.
What we reap we will sow. If we are mocking God, it won't last long. God will
have the final say. He is patient, but He will not wait forever.
I have heard about prophecies
concerning our nation. One prophecy is that an earthquake will come and will
divide our country. We have no guarantees that a meteor will not hit us. Maybe
we will experience a serious drought or famine. Perhaps a plague will come and
we will all be wiped out.
Those who built the
Titanic prided themselves by thinking and believing that the ship was so well
built that even God could not sink it. These are things we need to consider.
This is the reason why we need to be praying for the church and for the
For more insight on this subject,
please go to the link below.
Monday, March 9, 2015
Florist Who Refuses To Provide Flowers For A Gay Wedding Is Being Sued And Could Lose Everything She Has
Here is a situation going on right now in our country. A woman, who is a florist, in the state of Washington, is being sued, simply because she would not provide the flowers for a friend, who is a homosexual man. The man was planning a wedding with his gay partner, and the woman, who has provided flowers for him in the past, is now being sued on charges of being discriminatory.
The man became angry when she refused to do the flowers for his 'wedding'. He then made it known to the social media avenues of his case against her, and the attorney general for the state of Washington stepped in and sued the woman because she violated the anti-discriminatory laws for that state. The ACLU also stepped in and the two gay men sued the woman as well. Now she is in danger of losing everything she has, her home, her savings, and her business.
The question for us, is, what will we do about this? I think it is good to promote this incident on Facebook and other social media. People need to know what is going on in this country. But, will we stop there? Will we consider the need to pray for this situation, or are we thinking that prayer won't do anything?
What does God think about this situation? This woman actually stated that she could not perform this activity (providing flowers for a gay wedding) because of her relationship with Jesus Christ. Friends, this woman is taking a bold stand for the Lord. How can we support her during this time? Perhaps she will end up in jail, or at least homeless. Are we concerned for her as a sister in the Lord? Can we at least take some time to pray for her and this situation? Can we pray for the gay men who are suing her, and for the attorney general for the state of Washington?
She is being sued on false charges. Maybe, somehow, she will be able to win a court case. I don't know. But here's the thing we need to remember; this could be any of us in the future. With the direction the country is going, we could end up being sued or thrown in jail for calling guys 'men' and girls 'women' (an article was written recently by someone telling us - specifically doctors- not to call a newborn baby a boy or girl, depending upon the genitals the baby has. The baby has to grow up and decide what 'it' wants to be). Your turn could be next. What would you want the church to do if you end up in jail because of your convictions?
For full story, follow this link: http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/20/living/stutzman-florist-gay/
Do you not have convictions or are you easy to compromise with? Do you see the clear words of Scripture or do you make up what you want to believe what the Bible says about something?
Jesus' words are very clear. Either we are for Him or we are against Him. We cannot be 'kind of' for Him or 'kind of' against Him. Are we understanding that Jesus said that there are many who will call Him 'Lord, Lord', but He will tell them to depart from Him because He never knew them. Today, there are many people who say things about Jesus that are just not true. For example, there are a group of mainly young people, who would call themselves Christians, but believe that Jesus doesn't want us to do evangelism. I was puzzled when I first heard this and didn't think to ask what they thought of the verses in the Bible where Jesus tells us to preach the Gospel to every creature and to make disciples of all nations. But then again, these people have a low view of Scripture. They believe that whenever Scripture and the culture go against each other, then Scripture must bow to the culture. You might think, who in the world would believe this? Check out the book then, by Rob Bell called, 'Velvet Elvis' and you will get an idea of where this thinking comes from.
People are either listening to the wrong voices or have wishful thinking (a form of idolatry, by the way). For example, how many times, when preaching or sharing the Gospel with someone, the response from the other person is, 'But God is all-loving' or But God is all-forgiving'? The homosexual community thinks they have science on their side because they think science proves that homosexuality is inherited. But how can it be inherited if the parents themselves are not gay? The supposed tests they did to prove that homosexuality was inherited were incomplete, so there was no final answer on it. Plus, other tests have been done to show that identical twins do not necessarily end up with both being gay, even if put into different environments. If they are brought up in the same environment and turn out gay, the environment could play a lot of factors in both being homosexual. They failed to take that into consideration though.
So, what can we do? We must pray. This is a spiritual battle and we have to use spiritual weapons to fight with. We can yell and scream all we want, but if God is not with us, then we are fighting in vain.
I am concerned because I am seeing more and more 'Christians' be an advocate of homosexuality. First of all, I really do have compassion on homosexuals. I have faith that God can deliver them and set them free, if they want to be delivered. I would be friends with homosexuals as I would with anyone else (I am not saying I would engage in homosexual activity). They are people who are created in God's image, but are far away from God, for various reasons. I am for those who desire to repent and be free. I also know that freedom doesn't come overnight and without serious battles. But what I am opposed to is the group of homosexuals taking advantage of people who don't agree with them, and who are using force to make them submit to the concept of homosexuality as a valid and God honoring way to live. That is what I am opposed to.
Homosexuality is a serious sin before God. God has every right to destroy us if we live like that. The Bible is clear that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven.* The Bible is also clear that Jesus died to save homosexuals and the power in His blood is strong enough to break the bonds of homosexuality in a person. It is not a matter of a person's 'rights' because no one has the right to be homosexual. Any sexual relationship outside of marriage is a serious sin, and God will not let it go unpunished. Those who go to an abortion clinic to get rid of their babies are not only in trouble because they are guilty of murder. The problem is deeper than that. God never gave permission for a man and woman to have sexual relations outside of marriage. I don't care how much the woman wants to hold onto this man. If you have to hold onto a man to get him to love you then he is not worth your love. If a man loves the Lord Jesus Christ, he will not force you to have sexual relations with him, no matter how sweet his talk may be. The Bible is very clear on how we are to take care of our bodies and not do things to destroy them. If we have an abortion, we are destroying a life that God created, even if it is created out of a sinful relationship. There are people today who have survived being born as early as 19 weeks in the womb. We don't have a right to take the life of a person who is not born yet.
So please consider these things. There is another way. You do not have to go the way of the world. Culture does not dictate what is necessarily true or right.
One day, you and I will face God in judgment. On that day, Jesus will be either a person's Advocate, or a person's Adversary. There are no alternatives concerning this.
If you have never heard the Gospel before or are unsure of your salvation or relationship to God, please go to http://thegospelconversation.blogspot.com or http://test4gp.wordpress.com
Jesus didn't die for us so that we could continue living in sin. He died so we could be free from the bondage of sin and so we could be entirely cleansed from the guilt and filth of our sin.
* 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. ESV
The man became angry when she refused to do the flowers for his 'wedding'. He then made it known to the social media avenues of his case against her, and the attorney general for the state of Washington stepped in and sued the woman because she violated the anti-discriminatory laws for that state. The ACLU also stepped in and the two gay men sued the woman as well. Now she is in danger of losing everything she has, her home, her savings, and her business.
The question for us, is, what will we do about this? I think it is good to promote this incident on Facebook and other social media. People need to know what is going on in this country. But, will we stop there? Will we consider the need to pray for this situation, or are we thinking that prayer won't do anything?
What does God think about this situation? This woman actually stated that she could not perform this activity (providing flowers for a gay wedding) because of her relationship with Jesus Christ. Friends, this woman is taking a bold stand for the Lord. How can we support her during this time? Perhaps she will end up in jail, or at least homeless. Are we concerned for her as a sister in the Lord? Can we at least take some time to pray for her and this situation? Can we pray for the gay men who are suing her, and for the attorney general for the state of Washington?
She is being sued on false charges. Maybe, somehow, she will be able to win a court case. I don't know. But here's the thing we need to remember; this could be any of us in the future. With the direction the country is going, we could end up being sued or thrown in jail for calling guys 'men' and girls 'women' (an article was written recently by someone telling us - specifically doctors- not to call a newborn baby a boy or girl, depending upon the genitals the baby has. The baby has to grow up and decide what 'it' wants to be). Your turn could be next. What would you want the church to do if you end up in jail because of your convictions?
For full story, follow this link: http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/20/living/stutzman-florist-gay/
Do you not have convictions or are you easy to compromise with? Do you see the clear words of Scripture or do you make up what you want to believe what the Bible says about something?
Jesus' words are very clear. Either we are for Him or we are against Him. We cannot be 'kind of' for Him or 'kind of' against Him. Are we understanding that Jesus said that there are many who will call Him 'Lord, Lord', but He will tell them to depart from Him because He never knew them. Today, there are many people who say things about Jesus that are just not true. For example, there are a group of mainly young people, who would call themselves Christians, but believe that Jesus doesn't want us to do evangelism. I was puzzled when I first heard this and didn't think to ask what they thought of the verses in the Bible where Jesus tells us to preach the Gospel to every creature and to make disciples of all nations. But then again, these people have a low view of Scripture. They believe that whenever Scripture and the culture go against each other, then Scripture must bow to the culture. You might think, who in the world would believe this? Check out the book then, by Rob Bell called, 'Velvet Elvis' and you will get an idea of where this thinking comes from.
People are either listening to the wrong voices or have wishful thinking (a form of idolatry, by the way). For example, how many times, when preaching or sharing the Gospel with someone, the response from the other person is, 'But God is all-loving' or But God is all-forgiving'? The homosexual community thinks they have science on their side because they think science proves that homosexuality is inherited. But how can it be inherited if the parents themselves are not gay? The supposed tests they did to prove that homosexuality was inherited were incomplete, so there was no final answer on it. Plus, other tests have been done to show that identical twins do not necessarily end up with both being gay, even if put into different environments. If they are brought up in the same environment and turn out gay, the environment could play a lot of factors in both being homosexual. They failed to take that into consideration though.
So, what can we do? We must pray. This is a spiritual battle and we have to use spiritual weapons to fight with. We can yell and scream all we want, but if God is not with us, then we are fighting in vain.
I am concerned because I am seeing more and more 'Christians' be an advocate of homosexuality. First of all, I really do have compassion on homosexuals. I have faith that God can deliver them and set them free, if they want to be delivered. I would be friends with homosexuals as I would with anyone else (I am not saying I would engage in homosexual activity). They are people who are created in God's image, but are far away from God, for various reasons. I am for those who desire to repent and be free. I also know that freedom doesn't come overnight and without serious battles. But what I am opposed to is the group of homosexuals taking advantage of people who don't agree with them, and who are using force to make them submit to the concept of homosexuality as a valid and God honoring way to live. That is what I am opposed to.
Homosexuality is a serious sin before God. God has every right to destroy us if we live like that. The Bible is clear that homosexuals will not enter the kingdom of heaven.* The Bible is also clear that Jesus died to save homosexuals and the power in His blood is strong enough to break the bonds of homosexuality in a person. It is not a matter of a person's 'rights' because no one has the right to be homosexual. Any sexual relationship outside of marriage is a serious sin, and God will not let it go unpunished. Those who go to an abortion clinic to get rid of their babies are not only in trouble because they are guilty of murder. The problem is deeper than that. God never gave permission for a man and woman to have sexual relations outside of marriage. I don't care how much the woman wants to hold onto this man. If you have to hold onto a man to get him to love you then he is not worth your love. If a man loves the Lord Jesus Christ, he will not force you to have sexual relations with him, no matter how sweet his talk may be. The Bible is very clear on how we are to take care of our bodies and not do things to destroy them. If we have an abortion, we are destroying a life that God created, even if it is created out of a sinful relationship. There are people today who have survived being born as early as 19 weeks in the womb. We don't have a right to take the life of a person who is not born yet.
So please consider these things. There is another way. You do not have to go the way of the world. Culture does not dictate what is necessarily true or right.
One day, you and I will face God in judgment. On that day, Jesus will be either a person's Advocate, or a person's Adversary. There are no alternatives concerning this.
If you have never heard the Gospel before or are unsure of your salvation or relationship to God, please go to http://thegospelconversation.blogspot.com or http://test4gp.wordpress.com
Jesus didn't die for us so that we could continue living in sin. He died so we could be free from the bondage of sin and so we could be entirely cleansed from the guilt and filth of our sin.
* 1 Corinthians 6:9, 10 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. ESV
Monday, March 2, 2015
The Reason Why Conservatives Are Lagging Behind
This is a more practical blog for Conservatives today. Why do we have openly dishonest evil men and women in leadership positions in our government at this time? The answer is really quite simple though. There are a couple of reasons I will cover here.
One reason is apathy. If you haven't noticed, the church (I'm talking about the body of related believers that make up the church) has been pretty apathetic for the past several years. Part of this is due to living in a fallen world and having affections for things other than God. This has been going on for maybe 50-75 years now. Take the situation when a survey had been done concerning how many Christians actually participate in evangelism. It was found that only 2% of professing Christians in the church actually share the Gospel with people. Why such a low percentage? Probably because of apathy. The same apathy that doesn't care about the future of our country, and doesn't recognize the danger that our country is in.
But the second reason concerns me just as much. It is that the Conservatives are divided. Take the Liberals, for example. They know their guy who they want to be president. They have 1 person running from the Democrat party. Conservatives have both the Republican and Libertarian parties. On top of that, most professing Conservative Christians did not want to even vote for those who won the primaries. Many wrote in their own choices. The reasons for their not voting for Romney, for example, was due to the fact that Romney was a Mormon, and some actually believed that he was a Satanic High Priest and that Romney had a secret agenda that would cause Americans to become Mormons. Would you rather have someone try to make us become Mormons (if that ii was his agenda) or was it a better choice to have voted for someone who really does have a sneaky agenda and who pretended to be a Christian at first, only to reveal later on that he was a Muslim, and is enabling Muslims to gain control in our country?
I honestly wonder where our brains are sometimes. If a person does not become a Muslim, the worst thing that will happen will be that he or she will be beheaded (and by the way, that is happening now). If a person refuses to become a Mormon, guess what? What is the worst thing that happens to a person who refuses to become a Mormon? I haven't seen much more than ostracizing the person who refuses to become a Mormon. Which is worse, being beheaded or being ostracized?
The other thing that caused division was the abortion issue. I actually heard Romney saying he was against abortion. He made a couple of statements about it. But the Conservatives were not happy about that. They want a president who will all out eradicate abortion. That would be ideal, but guess what? That's not going to happen in America. Plus, the President doesn't really have the authority to end abortion, even if he were totally against it. All he can do is to sway people to be against abortion. That would be a great thing to do in itself, but there is not much more he or she can do while in office.
Here is something we need to know though: When we elect a man or woman for presidency, the elected president appoints others in different governmental positions. If we elect a God-fearing man into presidency, he will make wise decisions. He will also appoint wise people in the various offices in government. Keep this in mind.
So now we have a president who is not much different than a tyrant. But we have no one but ourselves to blame. We are the ones who are apathetic and divisive. Plus I wonder if the young people really understand how the government actually works.
If we continue on this path, I am concerned that our country will come to an end, at least the way we know it today. Those who fought for our freedoms seem to have fought in vain. We are not holding onto the freedoms that were provided by God for us, in the beginning of our nation. We are also believing the lies that come from the mouths of professors who are very Liberal minded and who are teaching in our colleges and universities today. Many of these professors are basically teaching the same principles of communism. Everyone is equal and everyone gets equal amount of pay. Everyone gets equal amounts of material goods, etc. That is not the way equality works though. That limits the creativity and talents God put into each person as men and women will now have more restrictive job opportunities. Civilization was never intended to work that way.
One reason is apathy. If you haven't noticed, the church (I'm talking about the body of related believers that make up the church) has been pretty apathetic for the past several years. Part of this is due to living in a fallen world and having affections for things other than God. This has been going on for maybe 50-75 years now. Take the situation when a survey had been done concerning how many Christians actually participate in evangelism. It was found that only 2% of professing Christians in the church actually share the Gospel with people. Why such a low percentage? Probably because of apathy. The same apathy that doesn't care about the future of our country, and doesn't recognize the danger that our country is in.
But the second reason concerns me just as much. It is that the Conservatives are divided. Take the Liberals, for example. They know their guy who they want to be president. They have 1 person running from the Democrat party. Conservatives have both the Republican and Libertarian parties. On top of that, most professing Conservative Christians did not want to even vote for those who won the primaries. Many wrote in their own choices. The reasons for their not voting for Romney, for example, was due to the fact that Romney was a Mormon, and some actually believed that he was a Satanic High Priest and that Romney had a secret agenda that would cause Americans to become Mormons. Would you rather have someone try to make us become Mormons (if that ii was his agenda) or was it a better choice to have voted for someone who really does have a sneaky agenda and who pretended to be a Christian at first, only to reveal later on that he was a Muslim, and is enabling Muslims to gain control in our country?
I honestly wonder where our brains are sometimes. If a person does not become a Muslim, the worst thing that will happen will be that he or she will be beheaded (and by the way, that is happening now). If a person refuses to become a Mormon, guess what? What is the worst thing that happens to a person who refuses to become a Mormon? I haven't seen much more than ostracizing the person who refuses to become a Mormon. Which is worse, being beheaded or being ostracized?
The other thing that caused division was the abortion issue. I actually heard Romney saying he was against abortion. He made a couple of statements about it. But the Conservatives were not happy about that. They want a president who will all out eradicate abortion. That would be ideal, but guess what? That's not going to happen in America. Plus, the President doesn't really have the authority to end abortion, even if he were totally against it. All he can do is to sway people to be against abortion. That would be a great thing to do in itself, but there is not much more he or she can do while in office.
Here is something we need to know though: When we elect a man or woman for presidency, the elected president appoints others in different governmental positions. If we elect a God-fearing man into presidency, he will make wise decisions. He will also appoint wise people in the various offices in government. Keep this in mind.
So now we have a president who is not much different than a tyrant. But we have no one but ourselves to blame. We are the ones who are apathetic and divisive. Plus I wonder if the young people really understand how the government actually works.
If we continue on this path, I am concerned that our country will come to an end, at least the way we know it today. Those who fought for our freedoms seem to have fought in vain. We are not holding onto the freedoms that were provided by God for us, in the beginning of our nation. We are also believing the lies that come from the mouths of professors who are very Liberal minded and who are teaching in our colleges and universities today. Many of these professors are basically teaching the same principles of communism. Everyone is equal and everyone gets equal amount of pay. Everyone gets equal amounts of material goods, etc. That is not the way equality works though. That limits the creativity and talents God put into each person as men and women will now have more restrictive job opportunities. Civilization was never intended to work that way.
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