What are the problems with large corporations? Are corporations a bad thing? How do they work and what are the ramifications of using corporations?
Small businesses are owned either by one person or a small group. With the Internet, small businesses can be very successful, even internationally. If the product that is made, or the service provided by that business is one that is in demand, the business will prosper and could even be bought by a larger corporation.
The intention of a small business is usually to provide a certain amount of business that will not be overwhelming to the person who owns the business, but yet, make enough money to keep the business going and to support the owner's family.
Sometimes, it is just easier to work for a large corporation. The rules are already set and if you work hard, you can move up in the company usually. Many times, the hours of work are already set. It takes a big load off the person, especially those who do not have a business mind. It can be very helpful.
The problems with the large corporation really have to do with the people who run the corporation. If you have a well run corporation with Godly people at the top, the business should do well. However, if the corporation is run by men and women who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ, every decision they make will be made with a mind that is outside of Christ. The decisions may include some wisdom, at times. If those at the top of the corporation have some understanding of the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, light and darkness, truth and error, then some of their decisions may be very good. But the problem is, if those leading these businesses do not fear God, then its anyone's game. They can make whatever decisions they want, regardless of how harmful the results could be to the consumers.
Although I do not see the FDA as a business, per se, this group is a perfect example of people who are at the top who are making unwise decisions. The man who is one of the deputy commissioners of Food for the FDA is also one of the lawyers for a large, mega corporation called, 'Monsanto'. Monsanto has basically taken our food that God has created, put it into a lab, and are changing the genetic structure of plants. Supposedly, this will enable the Monsanto supported farms to have specialized seeds that no one else is allowed to have (the seeds are patented). If the momentum continues, then all other seeds will become extinct, and the only seeds that will survive will be the ones that were taken to the lab and have been genetically modified. It will put the local farmer out of business, under the guise that it will be able to feed the whole world. In their 'wisdom' they would like you to believe that they are doing a good thing for the world, but evidence is now showing that what they are doing is harmful. Do they see? If they do, they probably will not acknowledge that they are wrong, for if they do, they will risk losing tons and tons of money. That is where their hearts are.
Farms are a perfect example of how a business should work. There should be local farms that provide the food necessary for that community. It is not wrong to import food from another place, but when most of our food comes from big, giant agricultural farms, then a lot has been lost in the quality of our food. We can either provide food locally for all of us in our communities, or we can provide a couple of gigantic farms located in a couple of different places in the U.S. to provide enough food for all of the chain grocery stores.
The problem with big gigantic farms is that there is a lot of compromise. First, there are so many cows and not enough space for the cows to roam, that they must be held in one place on a continual basis. This is not healthful for the cow, and it shortens the life of the cow as well. Second, the cows are fed a grain diet instead of allowing them to roam and eat grass. Cows were never intended to live on grain, but grain is a lot cheaper than grass and goes a long, long way. Feeding cattle grass would be too costly on a farm like this. Here is where you have people who do not have the mind of Christ, or the wisdom of God to make right decisions. You have people at the top who are only concerned about the dollar instead of being concerned about the health of the people. Is it any wonder that Americans are so sick today? The third reason is simply because cows are given antibiotics to keep them from getting sick, and growth hormones to make them grow fast. Again, this is to protect the ability to make money and not care about the welfare of people. But on a large agricultural farm, there really are no alternatives to this dilemma. Again, this is the result of unwise decisions on the parts of those running the FDA.
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Will grass-fed cows become a thing of the past with Monsanto's continual power growth? |
This type of situation is the same though as with large corporations. Those at the top call the shots. Money equals power and authority. If those who are at the top of these corporations are ungodly, we can expect serious consequences. The problem is not with the structure of the corporation necessarily. It is with the people who are at the top. That is why Godly leadership is so vital.
If the corporations are run by God-fearing people, they will probably be fine and helpful. The answer to the question above depends upon who is running the corporations at the top level.
That is why we need to be praying for those in authority. If God fearing people are running our country, then the rules they will enforce will be supported by Scripture. If ungodly people are running our country, then we need to take heed, for there will be serious ramifications for their decisions.
Bill Bright, who has now gone on to be with the Lord, suggested praying for those in authority. He recommended praying for God to raise up Godly leadership. He also recommended for us to pray that God would remove unrighteous authority. Could this be one big reason for evangelism? Could we also be praying for the people in America to be hungry for God? Can America ever be brought back to being a God-fearing nation again?