Friday, August 9, 2013

Answers to Prayers - God is Moving - Support Businesses Owned By God Fearing People

   I have been praying lately for our country, and more specifically for Godly men and women to be raised up to give vital leadership throughout America (this suggestion on praying for Godly leadership comes from Bill Bright of Campus Crusade, many years ago). But even more specifically, I have been praying for God fearing men and women to have their own businesses. Much of America today is made up of corporations, not that that is so bad in itself, but America started off successfully by men and women developing their own business. In the olden days, there were farmers, and farmers and more farmers. But today, we have a wide variety of careers people can choose from and excel in. The goal is not to be rich, but to grow and develop the skills in our children to prepare them for their 'future stations'.
  I think the day will come when we should have a network made up of born again craftsmen, farmers, accountants, musicians, tree cutters, ice-cream store owners, Laundromat owners, etc. We could support one another like those in a community. I even saw a granary mill in GA that still deals with bartering. If you don't know what bartering is, it is simply trading your goods or services for someone else's goods or services. In the olden days, you could bring a dozen eggs in and trade them at the mercantile for paper or other goods that you need and they carry. If the economy does fail, we would have each other to help ourselves out and could run our own community if we do it right.
   With that in mind, I am pleased to announce three places that I know of (I am sure there are more) that seem to promote Christian values. We all know about Chick-Fil-A because of the stand they took for marriage being made up of one man and one woman. Another place we went to tonight is called, 'Sweet Frog" and it is a frozen yogurt place. I am not really a frozen yogurt fan, but will admit that the food I ate tonight was excellent. The F.R.O.G. letters represent Fully Rely On God. It looks like a kid friendly place and the people who worked there seemed friendly. One other place that comes to mind is Hobby Lobby. I'm sure that most people know the struggle they went through this past year, because they do not want to support the new insurance demands that would help supply money for those who want an abortion as a way of birth control. This whole episode cost Hobby Lobby tons of money because they took a stand for what it right. They are opening new stores in our area, so we would be wise to support this company if we use their products. They sell arts and craft supplies and they also sell children's toys and musical instruments. They carry Christmas decorations and have boldly taken a stand for God in America. We could pray for God to bless these businesses. They will probably have some type of difficulty or persecution in the future as our nation becomes more godless.
   There is also one other place that comes to mind, that has suffered much loss at the hands of the FDA and the legal system. Morningland Dairy produced cheese that was made from raw milk, and sold in various stores. The FDA came in one of the stores, and at gunpoint, demanded all the Morningland Dairy cheese. They claimed that it might be tainted and took all the cheese out of all the stores that carried the cheese, and shut down the dairy. The cheese had been tested and it was fine, but the authorities still will not allow Morningland Dairy to operate and sell cheese. Those who own Morningland Dairy asked for prayer. Here is a url on it:
Morningland Dairy Raw Cheese government raid
May God bless the farmers who trust in Him. May God raise up men and women who fear His name to have businesses and prosper. May God bless Morningland Dairy and help them to reopen for business. May God bless Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, and Sweet Frog and cause them to prosper. May God give each one the grace to boldly stand up for the truth always. In Jesus' name.

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