Friday, March 21, 2014
How Agriculture Becomes Political - Why We Should Pray and What We Should Be Praying For
You might wonder how food and politics come together in a blog. In everything I write, I am always trying to 1. not go past established boundaries, 2. not speculate too much, and 3. separate the truth from the lies. I want to be gracious as well as wise. So, with that in mind, I will attempt to write what is on my heart today.
In the olden days, people grew their own food, and ate their own food. Early Americans bartered for food and other products. The bartering system worked well and some places actually still use this method today.
Science and technology have brought about unbelievable advances in medicine, agriculture, and other necessities. One of the advancements is in our agricultural system.
Several factors are involved in this. We have a growing population of people. We have desire to expand our businesses. We have people starving in third world countries. We have an economy based on the principle of convenience. The human nature is greedy. The lust for money can never be satisfied, for when we make enough money, we always want to make more. Also, this desire, if allowed to develop, will require us to stop our consciences from working as we will have to compromise and make some unethical decisions at some point.
Farming is becoming passe. Even farmers are being discouraged. You are not cool if you are a farmer today. But really, all of this depends upon your perspective. If you base truth on what most people think is right, then you will not want to be a farmer. But if you understand a little of how the human body works, and how nourishing food helps the body stay healthy, you would reconsider your attitude about farmers.
We have a lot of people to feed, so agricultural authorities who are pragmatic are coming up with shortcuts to produce a lot of food in localized places, using as little money as necessary to feed the animals and plants. If we go a little deeper, we realize that many of these agricultural agencies are sponsored by the government. Before you decide to exit this page, realize I am trying to be objective in what I see. I believe we can critique things without being critical (although it takes a skill to do this properly).
In days past, we had small and large farms, run by skilled farmers who sold their food (or bartered) to either a middleman or to a local store. The food is grown with a lot of care. The farm didn't have to be overly huge either, because there were several farms. These farms produced enough food for everyone in the area to eat and be sustained by. The soil wasn't depleted much, and the food that was produced was nourishing. The farmers took pride in what they had done. And society was sustained by what they had done, as well.
Today, we esteem science. We hold science and technology in high honor. But in doing that, we have less appreciation for the farmer. Agriculture has now turned to science to help grow bigger, prettier, more uniform food. Much of what is being done in agriculture today is really an artificial way of producing food.
Big companies like Monsanto use methods such as genetic engineering, or genetic modification, which is a fancy way of saying that seeds are altered genetically to produce vegetables to have certain characteristics. I actually saw a blue strawberry in a magazine. At first, I thought that it looked really cool. I looked a little further though, and found that the way it was designed to be a blue strawberry was done by genetical engineering. It was a GMO product.
You are probably thinking, 'So what? a blue strawberry? Come on. What's the big deal?' Genetic modification began probably around 50 some years ago, and started with the idea in mind to produce a plant that was resistant to herbicides, and one in particular called, 'Round Up'. Soy beans were genetically modified in order that they would be resistant to dying from being sprayed with 'Round Up'. Other plants were also being genetically modified so they would be resistant to dying from being sprayed with 'Round Up'. Ultimately, this would mean that those who use Monsanto's patented soy beans could spray the herbicide around their plants and the plants will still grow, and the weeds around the plants would die. They also claim that Round Up is safe to use around food. But there are more problems with this than we could have ever imagined.
If the theory goes like Monsanto would have it, those farmers who bought the patented seed would ultimately be safe in growing their plants. Round up could be sprayed on all plants and only those that are patented by Monsanto will live. That means if it is possible to spray Round Up from a plane, the pilot could go all over the city and spray Round Up, and all the Monsanto patented plants will be ok, but others won't. Local farms will be destroyed. This might sound absurd, but the potential is there for it to happen.
Because we are a pragmatic people, and are used to convenience, we gladly use fast food restaurants as if they were going out of style. They won't go out of style though, because at almost any given hour of the day, there are long lines at the drive throughs. But all this requires a special type of farming, that can't be done on local farms. You have to have meat that will be a certain texture, and that will have a specific, appealing taste that everyone who patronizes these fast food restaurants will enjoy. So, commercial agriculture must be employed. That means that there will be big farms, with a lot of animals which have no room to move around in, and are tied up in one place. These animals eat and go to the bathroom in the same place. They are not necessarily healthy and unhealthful meat is produced as a result. But wait one second. They do spray the meat with bleach water. Do you want your piece of meat sprayed with bleach water? Animals that live on commercial farms are given antibiotics to protect them from getting sick. If you can add 2+2, you will figure out that if you eat meat from animals which come from commercial agricultural farms, you will be getting antibiotics into your body as well. Could this be a problem though?
Antibiotics can be good and life saving, if used right. When I was six, I caught Scarlet Fever and was very sick. The doctor came to the house and gave me penicillin. I was able to recover from Scarlet Fever because of the antibiotic, but once I was well, I stopped taking it. People should not take antibiotics unless they are sick and need to recover, and if there is no other means to get well. If a person continues to take antibiotics, a couple of things happen. One is that the antibiotics not only kill off the bad germs, but also the good ones. In a normal, healthy body, we refer to the good germs as our resistance. We build good immunity to fight off sicknesses. Our good immunity will be gone though if we are taking antibiotics. So if you take antibiotics, you are interrupting nature's way of staying healthy. If you eat meat from an animal which was given antibiotics, you will be compromising your immunity system.
Another thing done on these farms is to give animals growth hormones. They are given these hormones to help them grow big and fat, and to help cows produce a lot of milk. Once again, if you are eating meat or poultry which was given growth hormones, guess what? You now have growth hormones in your body as well. Could this be a reason why today, girls are going through puberty earlier than their moms did?
The problem with this also is that these subjects have been brought up to those in charge of commercial agriculture and they are unwilling to acknowledge these facts, nor do they want to do anything to change what they are doing. If they do change what they are doing, they will go out of business (and they know that). The fact of the matter is, you can't mass produce food, no matter how good technology is, and how much science you know. It just won't work. Or maybe a better way of stating this is that, it will work, but the price everyone is going to pay will be really, really high.
Commercial agriculture is much supported by the government, but it is also supported by the people. We choose to go to McDonald's, for example, even though we have seen the hamburgers that were left out for months. We choose to laugh at farmers and relegate them as primitive. Could there be a correlation between the way we eat, and the amount of sicknesses we are experiencing as a people today?
Years ago, diabetes and cancer were almost unheard of. Both diabetes and cancer have sugar as a contributor to their causes. Do you realize that almost all processed food contains some form of sugar, and many times sugar is the first ingredient listed? The FDA is who we trust to give us good guidelines on what kinds of ingredients should go into our foods and what should not be allowed. Once again, the FDA also is very liberal in their guidelines. Sugar is in almost all processed foods, yet sugar is addicting. Enough sugar and you will be sick with something. But the FDA already has your problem solved. They are always coming up with new medications to make you feel better. The FDA backs the pharmaceutical companies as well as food production companies. They seem to work hand in hand, if you can see what I am trying to say.
I can go on and on and make this post many pages, but for now, I will just leave it at this. This blog is to encourage us to pray, and I am trying to inform us of how we can be praying for the church and the country. We have allowed many wrong people into our government and now they call the shots on what we can do and what we can't. There are actually laws in the making that are going to try to stop people from being able to garden. We are ignorant of what is going on, because we are not inside the government, but as people report different things happening, the Internet is good at exposing these things. This is all stuff we can be praying for. We can pray for our farmers. We can pray for good crops and rain. We can pray that Godly men and women will be appointed into governmental positions where they can call the shots and make decisions.
If we don't pray, we could see the end of farming and gardening as we know it. We will not have any choices of what we eat. We will have to eat processed foods, and we will hear lies from authorities who say that processed food with dangerous ingredients is fine for us to eat. We could go to jail if pollen from a plant patented by Monsanto comes to our plant and produces a seed which would be a product of Monsanto, even though weren't aware of our plant being pollinated this way. Thousands of undesirable ramifications can come about, and many will unless we turn this over to God. I hope you will consider what I have written here, and I hope this article will give deeper insight into the potential problems we might have in the future.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
"Thou Shalt Not Kill"
I think most of us who were part of a church at some time in our lives, have heard the 10 Commandments. 1. You shall have no other gods before me (God speaking to us), 2. You shall not make any graven images (God speaking to us about idolatry) 3. You shall not take God's name in vain (using His name as a cuss word or filler), 4. You are to keep the Sabbath Day holy (we are to keep one day for rest and spending time with God alone) 5. Honor your father and mother, 6. You shall not kill (murder), 7. You shall not commit adultery, 8. You shall not steal, 9. You shall not bear false witness (telling something untrue about something that is true), 10. You shall not covet.
Some are easy to understand, yet some need a little explanation. All the commandments spring from the 2 commandments which tell us to 'love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength', and, 'love our neighbor (those around us) as ourselves.' If we truly did those, we could keep the 10 Commandments. The problem is that we don't have the desire or power to do that within ourselves. We can only do them if we are born again, new creatures in Christ.
The commandment to not kill is explained further in the New Testament. Jesus said that when we are angry without cause, then we have committed murder of the heart. Proverbs has a lot to say about anger also. But there is a way that many murder today, that may not consider this as murder.
I am blessed to go to a church which stands up against the practice of abortion. But, I think I am sheltered from what goes on in the real world today. If a person is an Atheist or Skeptic, it would make sense that he or she would believe abortion is ok, but when professing Christians have abortions, something is wrong. I am amazed at how many who have an abortion are encouraged by the church they attend to have the abortion. How can any Bible believing church say that having an abortion is ok, or that it is the right thing to do? Abortion is murder. It is not ok, no matter how many pastors say that it is.
If you are a Christian (born again, new heart, new creation in Christ) and you are part of a church which says that abortions are ok or even recommended, could I ask you to consider leaving that kind of church? If the church doesn't get an issue like abortion right, what other issues are they missing?
Sometimes, I think people are ignorant when they promote or have abortions, but sometimes they aren't. If you have studied in biology, the different phases of the fetus as it grows and develops, you would be in wonder of such a wonderful creation of God. You would not want to destroy it. If you are a normal person who loves your family and children, if you knew what actually took place during an abortion (and the 'doctors' are not going to tell you), you would not have the abortion. Period. No one in their right mind would do such a thing to their child, even a child who is not developed physically yet.
I don't want to go into details of what happens in an abortion, but legally, the child has to be dead in the womb in order for a true abortion to take place. If the 'doctor' performs the abortion, and the child lives, after the birthing takes place, he/she cannot kill the baby then. So, you have to ask yourself this question: why is the baby considered non-human while in the womb, but human if outside the womb? How can location change a status. The real only difference is that a baby inside the womb is attached by an umbilical cord, but when the baby comes out, the cord is cut. A cord attached to the mother for life does not determine whether a baby is human or not. That would be similar to a person who gets injured and is on life support. If the life support is taken away, he will die. Does that make him non-human?
The Bible talks about God knowing us while we are in the womb. Even if we are only a couple of weeks pregnant and take a pill to kill the baby with, it is still murder. But when the baby is older or more developed, it is harder to kill him or her, so the 'doctor' will go into the mother's womb and slice the baby up with a knife. Do you really want that to happen to your child? Not only will you have to live with that the rest of your life, but when you stand before God, you will be charged with murder.
You might say, 'I don't have the means to take care of this baby. I already have 5 children to feed.'. I understand. Have you considered putting the baby up for adoption? Many who can't have children would love to adopt some. Not only will you be doing your baby a favor, but you will be helping out another family as well.
Have you also considered having sexual relationships in marriage only? The Bible has a lot to say about sexual relationships outside of marriage, and God will judge those kinds of relationships. God can help you to have good relationships with others, but you will need to come to know Him first. You will have to let go of your 'rights' to yourself and those things that would keep you from turning to and trusting in God. You will need to trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior from sin. Jesus died to pay for all of your sins, even having an abortion. You must repent though, and turn from all sin. For more information on this, please go to or You could also go to for more help.
Some are easy to understand, yet some need a little explanation. All the commandments spring from the 2 commandments which tell us to 'love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength', and, 'love our neighbor (those around us) as ourselves.' If we truly did those, we could keep the 10 Commandments. The problem is that we don't have the desire or power to do that within ourselves. We can only do them if we are born again, new creatures in Christ.
The commandment to not kill is explained further in the New Testament. Jesus said that when we are angry without cause, then we have committed murder of the heart. Proverbs has a lot to say about anger also. But there is a way that many murder today, that may not consider this as murder.
I am blessed to go to a church which stands up against the practice of abortion. But, I think I am sheltered from what goes on in the real world today. If a person is an Atheist or Skeptic, it would make sense that he or she would believe abortion is ok, but when professing Christians have abortions, something is wrong. I am amazed at how many who have an abortion are encouraged by the church they attend to have the abortion. How can any Bible believing church say that having an abortion is ok, or that it is the right thing to do? Abortion is murder. It is not ok, no matter how many pastors say that it is.
If you are a Christian (born again, new heart, new creation in Christ) and you are part of a church which says that abortions are ok or even recommended, could I ask you to consider leaving that kind of church? If the church doesn't get an issue like abortion right, what other issues are they missing?
Sometimes, I think people are ignorant when they promote or have abortions, but sometimes they aren't. If you have studied in biology, the different phases of the fetus as it grows and develops, you would be in wonder of such a wonderful creation of God. You would not want to destroy it. If you are a normal person who loves your family and children, if you knew what actually took place during an abortion (and the 'doctors' are not going to tell you), you would not have the abortion. Period. No one in their right mind would do such a thing to their child, even a child who is not developed physically yet.
I don't want to go into details of what happens in an abortion, but legally, the child has to be dead in the womb in order for a true abortion to take place. If the 'doctor' performs the abortion, and the child lives, after the birthing takes place, he/she cannot kill the baby then. So, you have to ask yourself this question: why is the baby considered non-human while in the womb, but human if outside the womb? How can location change a status. The real only difference is that a baby inside the womb is attached by an umbilical cord, but when the baby comes out, the cord is cut. A cord attached to the mother for life does not determine whether a baby is human or not. That would be similar to a person who gets injured and is on life support. If the life support is taken away, he will die. Does that make him non-human?
The Bible talks about God knowing us while we are in the womb. Even if we are only a couple of weeks pregnant and take a pill to kill the baby with, it is still murder. But when the baby is older or more developed, it is harder to kill him or her, so the 'doctor' will go into the mother's womb and slice the baby up with a knife. Do you really want that to happen to your child? Not only will you have to live with that the rest of your life, but when you stand before God, you will be charged with murder.
You might say, 'I don't have the means to take care of this baby. I already have 5 children to feed.'. I understand. Have you considered putting the baby up for adoption? Many who can't have children would love to adopt some. Not only will you be doing your baby a favor, but you will be helping out another family as well.
Have you also considered having sexual relationships in marriage only? The Bible has a lot to say about sexual relationships outside of marriage, and God will judge those kinds of relationships. God can help you to have good relationships with others, but you will need to come to know Him first. You will have to let go of your 'rights' to yourself and those things that would keep you from turning to and trusting in God. You will need to trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior from sin. Jesus died to pay for all of your sins, even having an abortion. You must repent though, and turn from all sin. For more information on this, please go to or You could also go to for more help.
Sunday, March 2, 2014
It's Now Illegal To Be Homeless - In South Carolina
I haven't read the article yet, but, from the title I want to point out a couple of things.
The issues go deeper than homelessness in America. There are different reasons why people end up homeless. Many are out of work and can't pay the bills. Others are handicapped or retarded and have no one to take them in. Still some are just displaced, meaning, they never were trained for anything during their childhood teenage years. This could be due to lack of parental direction or possibly rebellion on the part of the child. A large portion of the homeless are lazy and looking for another way to avoid going to work and will pay the price of being homeless to get their way. And then there are some who were abused as children, and as a result, they developed multiple personalities and at present are unable to work.
One of the things I want to point out in the article is simply the fact that it is not only illegal to be homeless, but the authorities will ship the homeless into camps. This sounds very much like what happened in Germany in the 1940s. As you may recall, if you are old enough, Hitler wanted to have a pure race of people so he began the process of this by eliminating a whole nationality of people, along with a few others. There are s few videos depicting the horrible scenes of men, women, and children forced onto trains to go to their 'camps'. They were then made ready to go to the gas chambers. Over six million people died this way. Not only were the Jewish people affected, but anyone handicapped or with any kind of flaw was also sent off to these camps. It was too late to boot Hitler out of office, for the people, prior to his leadership, wanted a man like him to rule their country.
Sadly, Hitler and the Holocaust are not taught in our schools today. Somebody does not want our children to learn about the horrors of the Holocaust. Why? Because if the students become aware of what happened, they would be able to detect the signs of a future Holocaust, should one come, and may take action against it wherever possible.
The other reason why this concerns me is that there is always the problem of the homeless. Where do they go? Who is responsible for them? How can we best help these people?
The church can step in and help. I have learned a lot from those who work at homeless shelters. We have a fantastic homeless shelter in our area which takes in homeless people and families, and trains people to work with jobs they are suited for. They work on helping those who are displaced. Also, the lazy ones get weeded out as they don't want to work. Most of all, they need the Gospel. They need to hear the Gospel and they need to receive ministry. There needs to be places available that can serve this way. They need to be involved in a local church.
Give a man a fish, and you have fed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and you will help him be sustained for a lifetime. We don't want to give 'fish' every day to the homeless. There are times when it is appropriate to feed them. But they need to learn to be independent workers and they need to be incorporated into society where they fit.
We need to pray for the freedom in our country to remain. We need for the government to decrease, and the power of the people to increase. We need for the church to step up and serve the homeless in whatever ways possible, and train them to have jobs and careers. We also need to provide places for those who are mentally ill, retarded, and handicapped. When this happens, society will benefit, and people will begin to thrive once again. This is why we need to 'Pray for the church and Pray for the country'.
The issues go deeper than homelessness in America. There are different reasons why people end up homeless. Many are out of work and can't pay the bills. Others are handicapped or retarded and have no one to take them in. Still some are just displaced, meaning, they never were trained for anything during their childhood teenage years. This could be due to lack of parental direction or possibly rebellion on the part of the child. A large portion of the homeless are lazy and looking for another way to avoid going to work and will pay the price of being homeless to get their way. And then there are some who were abused as children, and as a result, they developed multiple personalities and at present are unable to work.
One of the things I want to point out in the article is simply the fact that it is not only illegal to be homeless, but the authorities will ship the homeless into camps. This sounds very much like what happened in Germany in the 1940s. As you may recall, if you are old enough, Hitler wanted to have a pure race of people so he began the process of this by eliminating a whole nationality of people, along with a few others. There are s few videos depicting the horrible scenes of men, women, and children forced onto trains to go to their 'camps'. They were then made ready to go to the gas chambers. Over six million people died this way. Not only were the Jewish people affected, but anyone handicapped or with any kind of flaw was also sent off to these camps. It was too late to boot Hitler out of office, for the people, prior to his leadership, wanted a man like him to rule their country.
Sadly, Hitler and the Holocaust are not taught in our schools today. Somebody does not want our children to learn about the horrors of the Holocaust. Why? Because if the students become aware of what happened, they would be able to detect the signs of a future Holocaust, should one come, and may take action against it wherever possible.
The other reason why this concerns me is that there is always the problem of the homeless. Where do they go? Who is responsible for them? How can we best help these people?
The church can step in and help. I have learned a lot from those who work at homeless shelters. We have a fantastic homeless shelter in our area which takes in homeless people and families, and trains people to work with jobs they are suited for. They work on helping those who are displaced. Also, the lazy ones get weeded out as they don't want to work. Most of all, they need the Gospel. They need to hear the Gospel and they need to receive ministry. There needs to be places available that can serve this way. They need to be involved in a local church.
Give a man a fish, and you have fed him for a day. Teach a man how to fish, and you will help him be sustained for a lifetime. We don't want to give 'fish' every day to the homeless. There are times when it is appropriate to feed them. But they need to learn to be independent workers and they need to be incorporated into society where they fit.
We need to pray for the freedom in our country to remain. We need for the government to decrease, and the power of the people to increase. We need for the church to step up and serve the homeless in whatever ways possible, and train them to have jobs and careers. We also need to provide places for those who are mentally ill, retarded, and handicapped. When this happens, society will benefit, and people will begin to thrive once again. This is why we need to 'Pray for the church and Pray for the country'.
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Courtesy of 2011 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum |
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