Saturday, March 15, 2014

"Thou Shalt Not Kill"

   I think most of us who were part of a church at some time in our lives, have heard the 10 Commandments. 1. You shall have no other gods before me (God speaking to us), 2. You shall not make any graven images (God speaking to us about idolatry) 3. You shall not take God's name in vain (using His name as a cuss word or filler), 4. You are to keep the Sabbath Day holy (we are to keep one day for rest and spending time with God alone) 5. Honor your father and mother, 6. You shall not kill (murder), 7. You shall not commit adultery, 8. You shall not steal, 9. You shall not bear false witness (telling something untrue about something that is true), 10. You shall not covet.
   Some are easy to understand, yet some need a little explanation. All the commandments spring from the 2 commandments which tell us to 'love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength', and, 'love our neighbor (those around us) as ourselves.' If we truly did those, we could keep the 10 Commandments. The problem is that we don't have the desire or power to do that within ourselves. We can only do them if we are born again, new creatures in Christ.
  The commandment to not kill is explained further in the New Testament. Jesus said that when we are angry without cause, then we have committed murder of the heart. Proverbs has a lot to say about anger also. But there is a way that many murder today, that may not consider this as murder.
   I am blessed to go to a church which stands up against the practice of abortion. But, I think I am sheltered from what goes on in the real world today. If a person is an Atheist or Skeptic, it would make sense that he or she would believe abortion is ok, but when professing Christians have abortions, something is wrong. I am amazed at how many who have an abortion are encouraged by the church they attend to have the abortion. How can any Bible believing church say that having an abortion is ok, or that it is the right thing to do? Abortion is murder. It is not ok, no matter how many pastors say that it is.
  If you are a Christian (born again, new heart, new creation in Christ) and you are part of a church which says that abortions are ok or even recommended, could I ask you to consider leaving that kind of church? If the church doesn't get an issue like abortion right, what other issues are they missing?
  Sometimes, I think people are ignorant when they promote or have abortions, but sometimes they aren't. If you have studied in biology, the different phases of the fetus as it grows and develops, you would be in wonder of such a wonderful creation of God. You would not want to destroy it. If you are a normal person who loves your family and children, if you knew what actually took place during an abortion (and the 'doctors' are not going to tell you), you would not have the abortion. Period. No one in their right mind would do such a thing to their child, even a child who is not developed physically yet.
  I don't want to go into details of what happens in an abortion, but legally, the child has to be dead in the womb in order for a true abortion to take place. If the 'doctor' performs the abortion, and the child lives, after the birthing takes place, he/she cannot kill the baby then. So, you have to ask yourself this question: why is the baby considered non-human while in the womb, but human if outside the womb? How can location change a status. The real only difference is that a baby inside the womb is attached by an umbilical cord, but when the baby comes out, the cord is cut. A cord attached to the mother for life does not determine whether a baby is human or not. That would be similar to a person who gets injured and is on life support. If the life support is taken away, he will die. Does that make him non-human?
  The Bible talks about God knowing us while we are in the womb. Even if we are only a couple of weeks pregnant and take a pill to kill the baby with, it is still murder. But when the baby is older or more developed, it is harder to kill him or her, so the 'doctor' will go into the mother's womb and slice the baby up with a knife. Do you really want that to happen to your child? Not only will you have to live with that the rest of your life, but when you stand before God, you will be charged with murder.
   You might say, 'I don't have the means to take care of this baby. I already have 5 children to feed.'. I understand. Have you considered putting the baby up for adoption? Many who can't have children would love to adopt some. Not only will you be doing your baby a favor, but you will be helping out another family as well.
   Have you also considered having sexual relationships in marriage only? The Bible has a lot to say about sexual relationships outside of marriage, and God will judge those kinds of relationships. God can help you to have good relationships with others, but you will need to come to know Him first. You will have to let go of your 'rights' to yourself and those things that would keep you from turning to and trusting in God. You will need to trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior from sin. Jesus died to pay for all of your sins, even having an abortion. You must repent though, and turn from all sin. For more information on this, please go to  or You could also go to  for more help.

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