Saturday, October 25, 2014

To The Gay People And Homosexual Community

   A couple of months ago, I had a great compassion for Gay people. I know God made them in His image and individually, they need to be respected as human beings. I have offered hope/help to people who are Gay and struggling with same-sex issues. God is powerful and able to save and deliver, no matter how strong the desire is for same-sex attractions. The church needs to be ready to help those who want out of the homosexual lifestyle.

    But having said this, I realize now that there is more to this issue than struggling with same-sex attraction. I understand that Fred Phelps has done a lot of damage to the reputation of the church in representing who God is to the community. I am sorry for what this man has done, especially to the name of Christianity. Biblically speaking, this man did not have the fruit in his life that accompanies true believers. He appeared to have a different Bible than Christians have.

   A couple of years ago, some Christians were standing in a line, praying. A homosexual came up and knocked one of them down. It was a woman. There is no reason this should have happened. Yet the LGBT marches on to promote their cause, and, TO TAKE AWAY THE FREEDOM OF OTHERS WHO DO NOT AGREE WITH THEM.

  The law protects people from harming others. We have court systems set up for the protection of people when harmed by someone else. If a homosexual is harmed by another person, he or she can go to the court system if the case is serious enough, and be vindicated. But a homosexual is not harmed when a man who owns a company writes a statement saying that he holds to the traditional belief of marriage being made up of one man and one woman. He is NOT violating your rights, homosexual, and you don't have any right telling the world that he is harassing you and violating your rights.

  I know people who believe that homosexuals are being 'bullied around'. I have to disagree. I think those who are not homosexuals are being 'bullied around' by those who are gay. You can't take someone to court for not marrying a gay couple. If it is against the person's conviction to marry gay people, then don't penalize them for their conviction. They could feel the same way toward you and want to penalize you, but they won't.

   If you want to marry in a homosexual church, then go ahead. But don't be offended at me if I don't acknowledge your 'marriage' as a valid marriage. I am not going to take you to court or have you arrested, even though your convictions are entirely different than mine. Nor will I condone what you believe in. I will hold to what the Bible teaches and I will teach others what the Bible teaches about homosexual issues. But I will not take your 'right' away to be homosexual or to be in a homosexual 'marriage'.
   If I speak what God says about homosexuality, you have no right to accuse me of being a bully. I am not speaking words I made up or want to say, or want others to believe, but God has already spoken on this subject. I am not going to cover what the Bible says on this, because I know every Gay person already knows what the Bible says on it, but is in rebellion against it and has twisted all the verses out to make them mean what they want to mean. (By the way, all people do this, not just gays).

   I will not ever acknowledge homosexuality as right, nor will I change the Bible to make it say whatever I want it to say. I will not participate in homosexual marriages. But, I do believe in a person's right to believe in whatever he or she wants to believe in. We can know the truth, but it's God who changes the heart.

   If you are a homosexual, I am not against you. I am really for you and want the best for you. Sometimes, the best is not what we think is best, but God always knows what is best. But this whole issue is way deeper than just homosexuality. It has to do with tyranny. It has to do with people taking the law into their own hands and using it against others.

   We see this in the situation with the mayor of Houston, TX. Ms. Parker is demanding the sermons from 5 local pastors, and if she finds anything concerning homosexuality, she will try to penalize the pastors. This is absurd, nevertheless, it will happen if no one stops it. The pastors have a right to teach what the Bible says about homosexuality. Ms. Parker does not have the right to penalize pastors for teaching what the Bible says about homosexuality. If Ms. Parker doesn't like what the pastors are saying/teaching, then find a place that she does agree with. Don't take people's rights away because you don't like them or what they teach.

   Finally, you homosexuals say that Christians and other people are bullying you around. Have you looked at the news lately? Who is doing the bullying? You talk about people having 'homophobia' but is seems like you are the ones who are obsessed with homosexual issues. I'm not afraid of Gay people. I have nothing against them personally. I don't know why they would think that we are homophobic.

   Homosexuals are not a 'race' of people, so to speak. There is only one 'race' and that is the human race. Their claim about us being prejudiced against them is not valid. They are the bias ones.

  I will repeat what I put above. If you are a struggling homosexual and want to be delivered from it, please find a church that can help you. This article is not about the problem of homosexuality, per se, but about the abuse that is going on legally because people have a political agenda and are taking away the freedoms of other American citizens.

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