Friday, April 19, 2013

The Gunman Points His Gun Toward Your Family. What Will You Do?

    Think of this scenario: You are sitting in your church meeting on Sunday morning, like most Americans used to do years ago. You are enjoying listening to your pastor as he preaches on relationships in the body of Christ. He is starting to talk about how Christians should love one another, when all of the sudden, out of the clear blue, you hear gun shots. Then you hear more. It continues. People are screaming now. Some are trying to run to the nursery to get their children but can't seem to escape. Now there is total chaos in the place where a few minutes before it was silent and focused.
   Before long you are hearing sirens. Cops are there. Ambulances are racing to get there. What just happened? Well, there was someone who was angry and he wants to vent his anger at the church.
   This of course, is a made up story, at least for America right now, it is fictional. But what if this really happens one day? Will you be ready for it?
   What if the gunman came into your church building one Sunday morning, and shouted out for people to leave, if they weren't really serious about God. What if the gunman announced that he wants only those who are true followers of Jesus Christ to stay. What would you do? Would you be ready or would you leave?
  This kind of scenario really does happen in many places throughout the world today. It is not safe to go to a church meeting if you are in China or North Korea. Some countries in Africa are like that too. There are some in South America where you would find this kind of activity as well. The church has many true enemies. Islam, Hinduism, Atheism, Communism, and a host of others as well, would fight to get rid of every true Christian in a heartbeat.
  We don't have that problem yet in America, but one day we might. Will you be ready? How will you prepare yourself for that time? Will you stay faithful to the Lord, or will you follow after the world?
  Persecution is happening in America today. It doesn't compare to what is going on in other third world countries yet, but it is there. It will probably get stronger too.
   Would you consider praying for the church in America, and praying for our country? If we lose our freedoms, we won't be able to share the Gospel with people. We won't be able to sit in a pew on Sunday morning or whenever we attend a church meeting. We could end up in jail for having a Bible in our possession. But maybe this would be a good thing. By this happening, we will know who really knows the Lord and who is playing games and wearing a mask. God knows our hearts, but persecution brings out the truth of who we are and what we really believe. Maybe it really will be a good thing.

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